Should I file ASRS?


Final Approach
Aug 6, 2014
TX - the friendliest state
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Flying into an uncontrolled field with no AWOS/ASOS/ATIS, I picked up AWOS from a nearby towered field that I trusted. Winds were 020@3 so no big deal.
Nobody else in the pattern (which is strange for a gorgeous summer SKC day around here) so I logically opt for rwy 35 uphill. (no favored calm rwy mentioned in the A/FD .... sorry ... chart supplement)
As I am landing on rwy 35, I notice the sock pointing gently away from me. Then a little crossways, then away again. No big deal. Or so I thought.

So since I violated the cardinal rule of windsocks, should I file ASRS as a get-out-of-jail-free card?
Will the FAA revoke my license?
Should I surrender it myself as a sign of good faith?
Will I get anally probed at my next medical?
Should I surrender my DL too?
Will they send me to Guantanamo Bay?

I am sitting in the darkest corner of my closet as I am typing this and am afraid to come out. (for obvious reasons)
What should I do??
Winds light and variable; land in any direction you want - traffic permitting, which it sounds like it did. Don't create a mountain out of this particular molehill. -Skip
Flying into an uncontrolled field with no AWOS/ASOS/ATIS, I picked up AWOS from a nearby towered field that I trusted. Winds were 020@3 so no big deal.
Nobody else in the pattern (which is strange for a gorgeous summer SKC day around here) so I logically opt for rwy 35 uphill. (no favored calm rwy mentioned in the A/FD .... sorry ... chart supplement)
As I am landing on rwy 35, I notice the sock pointing gently away from me. Then a little crossways, then away again. No big deal. Or so I thought.

So since I violated the cardinal rule of windsocks, should I file ASRS as a get-out-of-jail-free card?
Will the FAA revoke my license?
Should I surrender it myself as a sign of good faith?
Will I get anally probed at my next medical?
Should I surrender my DL too?
Will they send me to Guantanamo Bay?

I am sitting in the darkest corner of my closet as I am typing this and am afraid to come out. (for obvious reasons)
What should I do??

How come you didn't mention psych eval? What are you trying to hide anyway?

This is why I have a portable windsock mounted on my wing tip so I can ensure I am always landing into the wind.
Wow, you must be a cool pilot with a cool airplane.
Wait, if you are landing the wrong way, wouldn't Siri just pull your red handle? :D

How come you didn't mention psych eval? What are you trying to hide anyway?
Oh darn, it is even worse than I thought. There is no way I can pass!!
I better buy a Cirrus, it will tell me how/where to land, no? ;)
Just follow the FAA new guidance, self flogging

Be sure to include in your write up: "Bryan Turner is a bad influence on me"
People land downwind all the time, on purpose believe it or not (like that is where the ILS is). Dont worry about it and it is actually a good skill to have. There are some airports that are one way in, one way out, so sometimes you have no choice. No ASRS form needed.
I used to think I could spot a parody a mile away. I was really good at picking up sarcasm and humor. This thread has given me reason to doubt myself. If I had good judgement I wouldn't even be here. I'm doomed.
only one possible outcome here

I used to think I could spot a parody a mile away. I was really good at picking up sarcasm and humor. This thread has given me reason to doubt myself. If I had good judgement I wouldn't even be here. I'm doomed.

It's not you, it's the post. It wasn't funny.
I'm at a loss as to why you even think you did something wrong.

I landed with a tailwind on my private checkride. There was no checkride bust because there were no rule violations or safety concerns. I would suggest using this as a learning moment to not explicitly trust what the AWOS says, especially at another airport. There are plenty of visual cues that will tell you where the wind is coming from, even with no AWOS.
Ok, we know you're afraid to come out of the closet. Can't help you there.

The answer is "Of course you should file an ASRS form." You probably should keep a stack of them in your flight bag and file one every flight just to be safe.
Dear god, forget the ASRS, you're lucky to be alive! Land with a tailwind and you could overshoot the runway. Land with a headwind and you'll undershoot. Follow sound advice and always land with a perpendicular crosswind!

So many fools on this board...
Y'all gotta stop with this landing nonsense. That's what the parachutes are for! Aim at the spot and pull!
That works in no-wind situations but the OP is talking about VRB@3kts which would drift your chute into another state if it didn't downright rip it to shreds. You kids today feel so secure with your iPads, GPS, and chutes, but you need to know the limitation of your equipment. Especially if you do mountain flying where winds can easily exceed 3kts and density altitude on a hot day can be way over sea level, like 1000' or EVEN MORE! Chutes and GPS aren't going to save you then. Old-school pilots with more than 100 hours experience know what I'm talking about.
Ouch, a few did not see the joke in the original post. *eep*
It is a boring Tuesday at work and I thought I'd "liven up" the board. I failed.
Yes, I will go flog myself.

And bflynn was the only one with the brass ballz to go there. :D Such a nice set-up and so many fails.
Hopefully hump Wednesday will be a little better on everyone's humor sensitivity. ;)

This is why I have a portable windsock mounted on my wing tip so I can ensure I am always landing into the wind.

One year when after a long day flying into Oshkosh, we were standing at the bar at Friar Tucks waiting for a table. Our flight started off with having the pitot clog just after take-off from IAD and an unplanned stop at MRB to get that blown out.

The bloke who was next to us in the bar explained how he and an alternate one of those in the cockpit. Margy kicked me as I was on the verge of asking him how fast the air was moving inside his cockpit.
Good post, Lou. Fickle winds abound this week! I was suckered Sunday by a drooping windsock. Set up for runway 22 and as soon as I turned crosswind, the wind shifted to about 020! I landed on 22 with a tailwind anyway as no one else was nearby. Felt pretty dumb. Good thing we kept our cool with that tailwind!

But seriously, I try to avoid tailwind landings in the Luscombe. She just wants to float forever it seems!
Will I get anally probed at my next medical?
Should I surrender my DL too?
Will they send me to Guantanamo Bay?

I am sitting in the darkest corner of my closet as I am typing this and am afraid to come out. (for obvious reasons)
What should I do??

No answers for the others, but I can answer these three for you. Since you WILL be sent to Guantanmo, you WILL be anally probed by those prisoners there who were promised all those virgins (can you really blame them?). If the camp doc is also a flight surgeon, you'll get your medical free without the anal probe as one look at your butt after the prisoners have done their damage will be sufficient. Glad to be of assistance. :D

Oh, and for the closet, you can come out now. It's the thing to do these days. Kaitlyn Jenner flys too you know. He might be looking for a "partner" if you know what I mean.;)
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There is only one possible solution to keep you real safe the way I see it.

Forward me all your credit card and bank account info. For the cost of 10,000 gallons of 100LL, 12 months hangar rent, and an all paid trip to Tahiti for 2 weeks, I can get you out of this predicament you find yourself in.

I have good reputations just look me up on yelp, I have yet to not enjoy a vacation someone else has paid for me so my satisfaction and quality is 100% guaranteed
I would file the ASRS - not for the tailwind landing, but for starting the disaster that is this thread.

Should I file ASRS?

Sigh. Can you afford the gigantic fee that NASA charges for filing the ASRS? Can you risk the zero downside to filing an ASRS? Would it bother you if another pilot read your ASRS and learned from it?
In the time it took to post here you could have posted here:
I just don't understand why people have to ask this question.
At least your windsock's manufacturer isn't Trojan, yeah I'm sure we have some of those down here in good ol' classy FL.
I would not place much trust in any tubular shaped object, made by a company named Trojan, which was manufactured with holes in both ends.
This should be the new competition at Oshkosh! Instead of the boring spot landing contests, they should have a spot parachute pulling contest! 1000ft, S&L flight, who gets a closest pull wins!

Y'all gotta stop with this landing nonsense. That's what the parachutes are for! Aim at the spot and pull!
You should've asked for "Any traffic please advise."
"Airport in front of me, I'm with you at pattern altitude, joining downwind. Any traffic please advise, taking the active, soon to be on short taxi approach."
I can't believe that I'm the only one that noticed (or is going to point out) that Bryan misspelled "AMATEUR".

This whole board is going to hell in a handbasket and we're short of handbaskets!! :(
I can't believe that I'm the only one that noticed (or is going to point out) that Bryan misspelled "AMATEUR".

This whole board is going to hell in a handbasket and we're short of handbaskets!! :(
man I suck at grammar and spelling if I'm not paying really close attention. And it's pure laziness to. :)
man I suck at grammar and spelling if I'm not paying really close attention. And it's pure laziness to. :)

Everyone knows that Ciri people can't spell anything but "chute"
Alright, great pep talk, guys, thanks for all the replies.
I will make sure next time to pre-file ASRS so that I can get out of jail faster.
I will also call a 25-mile final and ask for all other traffic to please advise.
I will take the active (and hide it in my hangar).
And I wil try too mispel evrything just cuz I could of. (man, I sound like a dumbass even to myself!!)