Should I Buy The Rasperry Filled Bismarck (A Fly In The Display Case)

The gas station has THE BEST raspberry Bismarck's! But there's a fly in the display case. Should I?

  • Buy It - Purge later if its still grossing me out.

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Sep 9, 2016
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Okay, the local gas station somehow has managed to perfect the Bismarck :) Its not stupidly big or fluffy. It's kinda heavy and just know like holding a ladies...well you know what I mean! The raspberry filling is actually good vs being tasteless jelly. And the damn frosting is the way Bismarck frosting was back in the 60's. Usually they put the lemon filled ones in the slot marked "Raspberry". There is nothing more disgusting than taking a bit out of Bismarck only to find lemon inside...(almost threw up just writing that). But this one is in the correct location. And even has a bit of raspberry oozing out.

But there's a fly in the display case....hmmm????
Must be a regional thing as I’ve never heard of this in the south. So...what’s a Bismarck? I take it’s some kind of pastry?

Its not stupidly big or fluffy. It's kinda heavy and just know like holding a ladies.
You’re speaking my language right thar!
Yeaaaaaahhhhhh.... I had to Google that.

This is the very first thing Google pulls up:

It is interesting that you do not have a don't buy it option. You know your audience well. My first reaction was I won't buy it but then reality kicked in... I am a hopeless carb addict. Of course I will buy it and I will convince myself that the fly never sat on that particular pastry. Well maybe I would ask if they had another in the back and tell myself there are no flies back there if they do.
What is the status of the fly? If he's just a freeloader and eating, well, I can't blame him if the pastry is first class. If he's dead, it could very well be from eating a pastry so fine that he died and went to Heaven. Or, by the sounds of things, he's just in a sugar coma and will continue consuming free pastries as soon as he wakes up. I say eat your sugary corn-syrup-laden gutbomb before the fly reanimates and leave him wondering...
Sheesh; what fly?
You are not dedicated enough to the cause!
It’s sort of like dropping chocolate on the ground or floor; who cares where it was dropped?! Go get it; it’s chocolate!
Ask yourself; 10 years from now, will you remember the fly? Hell, no-oo! But, you will remember that pastry!
Keep your perspective, man!
Sheesh; what fly?
You are not dedicated enough to the cause!
It’s sort of like dropping chocolate on the ground or floor; who cares where it was dropped?! Go get it; it’s chocolate!

Especially if there's chickens around. Those things drop chocolate like it's free... hey, it *IS* free! Git it, git it!!!
Did not see option on poll for "Post a thread on PoA about all of the things done wrong during pre-buy, purchase, operation of and cleanup from pastry excursion." <-- that's my write-in vote for the poll.
Did not see option on poll for "Post a thread on PoA about all of the things done wrong during pre-buy, purchase, operation of and cleanup from pastry excursion." <-- that's my write-in vote for the poll.
After PoA lists all the things wrong with said bismarck it will then recommend he buys a malasada.
I have never heard of a Bismarck until today. Had to look it up. Looks suspiciously like a jelly or cream filled donut. In that case, never let a little fly get in the way of a great donut.
I thought the Bismarck was sunk in 1943??? And you want to eat it with raspberry jam?????? :confused2: :dunno: yankees :sigh:
I’m still not seeing the issue with lemon...that lemon jelly stuff inside donuts is delicious...
Well given that we have established that we are talking donuts here...

Please do NOT cut it in half. (but if you do, maybe you leave the side the fly stood on)
Do some research on the bug parts allowable in food under govt regs. A single fly in the display case is irrelevant.

This is true. But unless I see a fly in the display case, I operate under the assumption that "my" food doesn't have any excess critter parts. I think the folks in the psychological profession call it denial.

It works for me.

I would leave that Bismark for someone else and go next door and get the insect free version.
I would leave that Bismark for someone else and go next door and get the insect free version.

You realize that if there are flies in the area (all of North America for the past several months since it warmed up), any door large enough to admit you will ("will" not "can") admit flies? To both stores, to your home and to your hospital?

During my two decades manufacturing medical devices, we were required to have blue bug zapper lights between the entrances to our manufacturing clean rooms and doors to the outside; ever seen a bug zapper light get every bug? Didn't think so . . . .

So relax and eat whatever a "Bismark" is.
Hey that fly is worth a gram or two of protein! Don’t just let it go to waste!
You’ll eat a peck of dirt before you die,the fly didn’t eat much.
Well given that we have established that we are talking donuts here...

Please do NOT cut it in half. (but if you do, maybe you leave the side the fly stood on)
Cut a perfected donut in half - HERESY!!!
...I would leave that Bismark for someone else and go next door and get the insect free version.
BLASPHEMEY!!! The donuts next door are light and puffy and the frosting is not close to worthy!