Save Hangar One

With the exception of RMNP and any of the Civil War sites in the east I have visited every one of those places and I didn't have to pay as you imply. Yes, the parking at Rushmore is a joke but that's only at the center. I've even spent weeks in Yosemite or Death Valley NP without so much as paying a dime.

It's pretty ludicrous to place somebody's mountain side selective demolition as a NP but there it is.

We have a golden age passport, it cost us $10.00 in 2003, it gets us in all national parks free, every one else pays. Grass Lands NP was 15 per vehicle, 7.00 per head. Mount Rushmore was 15.00 per head and parking was $10.00.

none of the NPs are free any more. except maybe the mall in DC. (if it is a park) the "Thomas Jefferson Foundation", runs Monticello, and Mount Vernon is owned and operated by and getting in is not cheap.
If anyone wants to do the same with Moffet I have no problem, but the TAXpayers have enough bills to pay.
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Yeah, I'm all for saving the building, but not on my nickel, odds are I'll never see it. If the locals want to save it more power to them. But they should pony up the money. Have a bake sale, whatever. I don't think I should have money extorted from me at gunpoint to pay for monuments that mean nothing to me, will never be sen by me, and serve no purpose.
I guess pilots are so used to other people paying for their infrastructure most of em see no end to OPM.

That is absurd. :nono:

Considering how many people in this country don't actually pay taxes I'd venture to say pilots are in the group that does pay, and pay and pay. I know I am.

That same infrastructure I enjoy is also there for the benefit of commercial aviation, business flying, airlines, law enforcement and sometimes the military.

So lumping us 'pilots' in with the true freeloaders is absurd. :loco:
GA pilots as a population may be paying more due to being in a higher tax bracket, terribly unfortunate. But there is no way the 100ll tax and various fees pay for GAs infrastructure, GA pilots are freeloading off other non pilot high earners plain and simple.
That is absurd. :nono:

Considering how many people in this country don't actually pay taxes I'd venture to say pilots are in the group that does pay, and pay and pay. I know I am.

That same infrastructure I enjoy is also there for the benefit of commercial aviation, business flying, airlines, law enforcement and sometimes the military.

So lumping us 'pilots' in with the true freeloaders is absurd. :loco:
I thought aviation fuel taxes did cover the infrastructure. Yes, this includes airline fuel taxes, but they have to hire their pilots from somewhere. GA and airlines are intertwined. The whole term GA was created to act like they're separate things. They're both Aviation. Only the airline execs would disagree.

I guarantee that I pay more in direct taxation and indirect taxation (ground lease to the County in our hangar costs, for example) for my aviation activities, than anyone asking us to sign that petition has ever paid to Hangar One. If it were a petition for *matching* funds perhaps I'd hold my nose and sign it...

We have our own museums here that are always struggling for funds. I'd rather donate time/money to them than Hangar One. Sorry. Nothing against the history there, but locals can "save" it. California's got rich folk who could save it with a single check and never miss it.

Wings Over the Rockies Air. and Space Museum took over an old military hangar and saved it here, it can be done there. Go for it.
But there is no way the 100ll tax and various fees pay for GAs infrastructure, GA pilots are freeloading off other non pilot high earners plain and simple.

You know these claims to be facts with what research and documentation? Sounds more like an opinion, and we all know what opinions are like.....:idea:

Non pilot, high earners, most likely use aviation to a large extent also. Oh yeah, that's an opinion too.....:yesnod:

Sure makes me ill to hear people tell me I don't pay enough in taxes for the services I get. What about all the services my taxes pay for that I will NEVER USE.....Helloooooooo!
You know these claims to be facts with what research and documentation? Sounds more like an opinion, and we all know what opinions are like.....:idea:

Non pilot, high earners, most likely use aviation to a large extent also. Oh yeah, that's an opinion too.....:yesnod:

Sure makes me ill to hear people tell me I don't pay enough in taxes for the services I get. What about all the services my taxes pay for that I will NEVER USE.....Helloooooooo!

Our income tax code is so convoluted that even Oblunder's treasury Secretary can't get it right, so what makes you think you paid the proper amount of tax?
Exactly people don't want to pay for a blimp hangar they will never use. You don't want to pay for services you don't use nor do I, so lets can the 100ll tax and switch to user fees. You use it you pay for it. Simple and fair.
You know these claims to be facts with what research and documentation? Sounds more like an opinion, and we all know what opinions are like.....:idea:

Non pilot, high earners, most likely use aviation to a large extent also. Oh yeah, that's an opinion too.....:yesnod:

Sure makes me ill to hear people tell me I don't pay enough in taxes for the services I get. What about all the services my taxes pay for that I will NEVER USE.....Helloooooooo!
Exactly people don't want to pay for a blimp hangar they will never use. You don't want to pay for services you don't use nor do I, so lets can the 100ll tax and switch to user fees. You use it you pay for it. Simple and fair.

Agreed, works great in Canada.

and all federal funded roads and bridges should have a toll booth too. Why should granny buying gas to go to town, pay for the interstate highway system.
Agreed, works great in Canada.

and all federal funded roads and bridges should have a toll booth too. Why should granny buying gas to go to town, pay for the interstate highway system.

Yeah. And I don't need the fire department because I have fire insurance. If the place burns down the insurance will rebuild. And it is up to me to make sure that I have preserved personal belongings somewhere else so that if the place does burn I don't lose everything that is important to us. Of course my fire insurance would go from Class 3 to Class Nothing which might raise my premium a bit.

The police department does nothing for me. I have never called them. I do see them wasting taxpayer dollars driving through my neighborhood a couple of times a day. They should be funded by user fees and I could opt out.

Our local city library just finished a fund raising project that took two years to be able to obtain matching funds from the state for the expansion of the building and services. Why should all the taxpayers have to support the library? Only about 15% of the local population bothers to go to the library. A few more avail themselves of the free online access. Let everybody pay if they want to use it.

And paying for the public hospital with taxpayer money seems to be outrageous. After all, I have Medicare. :rolleyes:

On this or another board I saw a thread where the theme was that local airports don't need federal or state money. They should just finance airport improvements locally. I didn't, however, see any numbers presented to suggest how much each of the local citizens/businesses would have to put in to pay for the runway extension/refurb.

Who needs government?

All of those things have been and can be done by the private sector. Sorry but the country paying for GA infrastructure isn't justifiable under any pretense of public good. Yeah we pay for worse things than GA airports but that doesn't change the fact that GA pilots are freeloading off the 50% of the population that pays taxes.
Yeah. And I don't need the fire department because I have fire insurance. If the place burns down the insurance will rebuild. And it is up to me to make sure that I have preserved personal belongings somewhere else so that if the place does burn I don't lose everything that is important to us. Of course my fire insurance would go from Class 3 to Class Nothing which might raise my premium a bit.

The police department does nothing for me. I have never called them. I do see them wasting taxpayer dollars driving through my neighborhood a couple of times a day. They should be funded by user fees and I could opt out.

Our local city library just finished a fund raising project that took two years to be able to obtain matching funds from the state for the expansion of the building and services. Why should all the taxpayers have to support the library? Only about 15% of the local population bothers to go to the library. A few more avail themselves of the free online access. Let everybody pay if they want to use it.

And paying for the public hospital with taxpayer money seems to be outrageous. After all, I have Medicare. :rolleyes:

On this or another board I saw a thread where the theme was that local airports don't need federal or state money. They should just finance airport improvements locally. I didn't, however, see any numbers presented to suggest how much each of the local citizens/businesses would have to put in to pay for the runway extension/refurb.

Who needs government?

We'll let the folks in the rural areas know that emergency jet flights to cities with trauma centers and the best Doctors, aren't "in any way justifiable".

The thread's about a run down unused airship hangar, not airport infrastructure.

Infrastructure done right, is a benefit to many. Paying to renovate an old hangar *can* be a benefit to many, or it can be a boondoggle.

The key question is "if we all pay for it, what are you going to do with it?" (In terms of infrastructure like airports, those questions have already been answered. Donating to a dilapidated airship hangar is a lot more dubious.)

An online petition isn't a real business plan. It's just a nice gesture based on the platitude "the hangar should be saved".

Could it be done with loans and pay itself back? Lots of options.

Who's done the homework? It's got to be done or a benefactor so big they don't care about how much it costs, needs to be found.

Asking taxpayers to be that "no holds barred" benefactor isn't typically going to fly.
We'll let the folks in the rural areas know that emergency jet flights to cities with trauma centers and the best Doctors, aren't "in any way justifiable".

The thread's about a run down unused airship hangar, not airport infrastructure.

Asking taxpayers to be that "no holds barred" benefactor isn't typically going to fly.

Well said! :yes:
I think everyone can relax. The petition has a measly 750 names on it. The hangar is toast.
Oh noz private money! If the taxpayers foot the bill we get gov't hangar management jobs.