Rogue Helicopter Pilot complaint

I'm a little frightened....
Was it really his house shaking or just his own body, you know, being so afraid of that "threat to national security" at the time...

Did this guy make the local news before he was carted off to the psych ward?

:hairraise: :rofl:

What's really scary is there are probably more than a few paranoids out there that are intent to suppressing flight as a personal activity. This guy is just an extreme example.

The guy is nuts. We all know they only use black helicopters.
thats awesome. if you close you're eyes and just listen to the voice, sounds like Dale of King of the Hill.
I couldn't listen to it for more than 30 seconds before I got completely lost.
Well that's just great - he's here in NC. BUT he ain't FROM NC (not with that accent)(I hope!!).

What a freaking lunatic. If you didn't watch the whole thing, you oughta give it a go. He gets better towards the end ... "And you too, George Shinn, 'cause he's in that helicopter and he ain't nothing but ... " well, y'all can listen in and hear the rest.

If I was Shinn, I believe I'd have my lawyers writing up writs to keep this lunatice 10 miles away from me at all times ...
Oh boy.. what a nut. Anyone taking odds we see this guy again on the news when he really does go off the deep end? I'm really surprised they let him ramble on as long as they did.
Come out of your hole, helicopter pilot....

Hey, Bob, ever fly a white helo?:rofl:

Is that wild or what?

Let's see, the guy who maintains our helicopters owns a white helicopter. I bet he flies that R22 down to NC just to PO that guy :D

Come to think of it, I flew a white Schweizer once. Maybe it was me ;)

When we bought our R44 we briefly considered a yellow paint job for visibility. Until we figured out that some nut like that guy would be calling the FSDO about that "F***ing yellow helicopter". :yes:
I've not listened to Coast-to-Coast AM for a long, long time. But, what do you want to bet George Noory regularly hears from this guy?
Ken, he'd fit right in on that show, no doubt about it. :D I'll bet he believes in chemtrails, too. :D :D :D
Ken, he'd fit right in on that show, no doubt about it. :D I'll bet he believes in chemtrails, too. :D :D :D

gawd I had a student once start telling me about chemtrails while we were doing ground. i just shook my head...
Ken, he'd fit right in on that show, no doubt about it. :D I'll bet he believes in chemtrails, too. :D :D :D

I saw video of the "chemtrails" a C-130 was smoke coming out of the engines while training at low levels...:rolleyes: Sheesh, some peoples grip on aircraft.
That was some funny ****.