RFD OSH and 280

Dave Siciliano

Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
Dallas, Texas
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Dave Siciliano
No problem flyin up to Rockford, then Oshkosh today :dunno: At FL190 we were on top of most of the stuff. Got into some trace rime ice in cloud tops a couple times, but nothin Mr. Baron couldn't readily handle.

The big worry was icing and it just wasn't significant on our route. Got a great push for awhile and showed ground speeds of up to 280 at times when we were truing 220.

Great trip up; now, we'll start worryin 'bout the trip home Sunday. Sure looks C O L D!!


Last night an Artic cold front blew into OSH; It was already really cold!!
Didn't know it could get a lot colder <g>

There's a lot of snow on the ground; snow and gusting winds up to 40mph last night. There are about 15 NOTAMS on the airport for fair braking, snow packed taxiways and markings there aren't visible (blocked by snow).
Taxiing in yesterday, we slid around several times; definitely Baron weather and taxi conditions!! Couple times differential thrust was needed to stop a slide in the wrong direction.

In a previous post, I pointed out the tug guy broke the shear pin on my nose gear pulling it into a hanger. The claim is it slid on some ice and hit the stop. I'm better off than a King Air that had a wing slam into a hanger door.

Had a nice visit other than that! We were waiting for dinner seating at a nice place last night and noticed the large bar at the restaurant was full; don't know what else the folks do up here when it's like this: eat and drink I guess. Guy sitting next to us was very nice: had a large belly and was wearing suspenders that emphasized how large his mid section was. When he laugh, it would just shake. So..... You could say he was in suspendered animation!

Got my first ride in Car No.1. Hard to believe it's right here in OSH. You would think Detroit or somethin. Imagine it being in little OSH! I pointed it out to the family members with me. Second elevator from the lobby. Says right in there on a big plaque "Car number 1".

Watched some of the news 'bout the Presidential candidates while here. It will be the first time my oldest niece gets to vote. We're both suffering from "elictile dysfunction"--that's where none of the candidates gets us aroused.

Looks like strong winds and cold today for the flight home if I can go.
We'll see how bumpy it is up there. Looks like there's little difference between staying low and going up to the low flight levels; so, we'll probably file for FL180 and have a l o n g trip back.

Gotta go.


Say, Dave, was that you had to make a go-around upon arrival this afternoon? I was putting my V-toy away, saw a Baron on final then heard said Baron on go-around thrust, saw it left traffic and back around. From where I park, that's about all I can see, an dthe radio was not on.

If so, what up? If not, disregard.

In either event, welcome home; looks like the winds did not do you *that* badly.
Spike: Ghost rider one had asked tower for a low pass!! Musta been what you saw.

I was at the freeking ILS intersection doing 140 when tower told me there was a Cease-Na on three mile final. On five mile final he was on one mile final. Tower told me I had an 80 knot overtake speed, but he was on O N E M I L E final. Anyway, he lands a third of the way down the runway and just rolls, and rolls, and well, you get it. Then, he doesn't turn off at the next intersection; we're all supposed to know he's just gonna taxi down the runway with a Baron on short final. This is after tower had asked him twice to expedite and turn off at the first taxiway.

Didn't mind, could see it comin. I used to fly one a long time ago and I'm sure he was doin best he could. Based on his radio procedure, or lack thereof, he didn't have formal military training <g> But, I did get to fly 'round once.



...funny how one gets attuned to sounds and context, because I was not really paying much attention, but when I heard the go-around power applied after having just seen (at a significant distance) the plane on final, my "Hey, what's up" meter pegged. I hope I have the same degree of intuitive sense in my everyday flying!
be happy you saw him. i was at DSM with a student last week. long story short we found ourselves on short final (less than 1/2 mile). controller told ground traffic to prepare for immediate departure from an intersection on our runway. i did not see him. i did hear him read back 'immediate departure runway 5' which peaked my interest. next thing i heard was the controller starting to tell me to go around, but stopping with a disregard. as we came into the flare i saw the twin break ground and climb away a couple 1000 feeet (maybe) in front of us on the runway. he was blending in with the grey concrete and white surroundings pretty well.
Spike: Ghost rider one had asked tower for a low pass!! Musta been what you saw.

I was at the freeking ILS intersection doing 140 when tower told me there was a Cease-Na on three mile final. On five mile final he was on one mile final. Tower told me I had an 80 knot overtake speed, but he was on O N E M I L E final. Anyway, he lands a third of the way down the runway and just rolls, and rolls, and well, you get it. Then, he doesn't turn off at the next intersection; we're all supposed to know he's just gonna taxi down the runway with a Baron on short final. This is after tower had asked him twice to expedite and turn off at the first taxiway.

Didn't mind, could see it comin. I used to fly one a long time ago and I'm sure he was doin best he could. Based on his radio procedure, or lack thereof, he didn't have formal military training <g> But, I did get to fly 'round once.



Sounds like the cause of my last non-CFI induced go around, too. Guy just took too much time getting off the runway and a C-182 will only go so slow without falling out of the sky. :D It's good practice, so no harm, no foul.
I've volunteered to get out of the way (and go around) if I have faster traffic approaching. The King Air guys appreciate it, and I'm generally just building time, anyway.
I try to work with everyone and don't like to rush anyone in front of me. Just didn't think this would be an issue being over four miles behind the fella. He touched down while I was a over a mile out. Normal landing roll and turn off should have been a non-issue. It didn't bother me one bit. Called tower to let 'em know that.

We have a funny situation at Addison with new runway markings. This fella was turning off the active just before I would have touched down, but he's got to turn onto a taxiway and taxi about 200 feet to cross the hold short line before he's actually considered clear of the runway. So, no safety issue here, but he wasn't technically clear and wouldn't have been for a bit.

