Repurposing Narco ELT10 Batteries (Merle BP-1010)


Final Approach
Jan 1, 2015
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OpenSCAD code at the bottom of this post.

// Filename: bp1010_lantern.scad
// Author: asicer
// Date: 2022-08-22
phgt=15.0; // plug height
plng=73.0; // plug length
pwdt=60.0; // plug width
nwdt=19.0; // notch width
ndpt= 2.5; // notch depth
lhgt= 2.0; // lid height
shol= 9.0; // screw hole offset from l edge (horiz)
shor=12.7; // screw hole offset from r edge (horiz)
shov= 7.5; // screw hole offset from plug top (vert)
shdi= 3.6; // screw hole diameter
shdp=10.0; // screw hole depth
skdi=18.0; // socket diameter
ohdg=60.0; // maximum overhang (degrees) printer can handle
mfl = 0.01;// manifold (discontinuity)

module plug3() { // outer third of batt plug
    difference() {
        // two screw holes
        translate([-mfl,shol,phgt-shov]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder($fn=20, h=shdp,d=shdi);
        translate([-mfl,plng-shor,phgt-shov]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder($fn=20, h=shdp,d=shdi);

module plug() { // entirety of batt plug
    plug3(); // side
    translate([pwdt,0,0])mirror([1,0,0]) plug3(); // other side
    translate([(pwdt-nwdt)/2,ndpt,0])cube([nwdt,plng-(2*ndpt),phgt]); // middle
    translate([0,0,phgt]) cube([pwdt,plng,lhgt]); // lid

hsng=pwdt;// housing length/width (square)
htck= 3;  // housing wall thickness
lnsw=10;  // lens depth
lnsd=hsng-htck; // lens diameter

module lens() {
    difference() {
        cylinder($fn=90,h=lnsw, d2=lnsd-lnsw, d1=lnsd);
            cylinder(h=lnsw+(3*mfl), d2=lnsd-lnsw-htck, d1=lnsd-htck);

module tetrahedron(slen){

module housing() { // lamp housing
    difference() { // bulb surround
        translate([(hsng/2),hsng+mfl,(lnsd/2)+(htck/2)]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(h=hsng+(2*mfl), d=lnsd-htck);
        translate([-mfl,(hsng/2),(lnsd/2)+(htck/2)]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=hsng+(2*mfl),d=lnsd-htck);
        translate([htck,htck,htck]) cube([hsng-(2*htck),hsng-(2*htck),hsng+mfl]);
    // lenses
    translate([(hsng/2),0,(lnsd/2)+(htck/2)]) rotate([90,0,0]) lens();
    translate([hsng,(hsng/2),(lnsd/2)+(htck/2)]) rotate([90,0,90]) lens();
    translate([(hsng/2),hsng,(lnsd/2)+(htck/2)]) rotate([90,0,180]) lens();
    translate([0,(hsng/2),(lnsd/2)+(htck/2)]) rotate([90,0,-90]) lens();
    // roof
    // decorative flourish on top
    translate([hsng/2,hsng/2,hsng+((hsng-skdi)/(2*tan(ohdg)))]) cube([skdi,skdi,2*htck], center=true);
    translate([(hsng/2),(hsng/2),hsng+htck+((hsng-skdi)/(2*tan(ohdg)))]) cylinder(h=skdi,d1=skdi,d2=skdi*sqrt(3)); // 1:1:sqrt(3) seems like a pleasant ratio
    translate([(hsng/2),(hsng/2),hsng+htck+skdi+((hsng-skdi)/(2*tan(ohdg)))]) cylinder(h=skdi/2,d1=skdi*sqrt(3),d2=0); // sqrt(3):0.5 also seems pleasant

difference() { // everything put together
    union() {
        translate([0,(plng-hsng)/2,phgt+lhgt]) housing();
    translate([hsng/2,((plng-hsng)/2)+(hsng/2),phgt+lhgt+hsng-mfl])tetrahedron(slen=hsng-(2*htck)); // ceiling
    translate([pwdt/2,plng/2,-mfl]) cylinder($fn=40,h=phgt+lhgt+htck+(2*mfl),d=skdi); // socket hole
    translate([pwdt/2,plng/2,-mfl]) cylinder($fn=40,h=phgt,d1=skdi+(2*phgt),d2=skdi); // socket relief (45deg conical)
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Flashlight version:



// Filename: bp1010_flashlight.scad
// Author: asicer
// Date: 2022-08-22
phgt=15.0; // plug height
plng=73.0; // plug length
pwdt=60.0; // plug width
nwdt=19.0; // notch width
ndpt= 2.5; // notch depth
rhgt=20.0; // reflector height
shol= 9.0; // screw hole offset from l edge (horiz)
shor=12.7; // screw hole offset from r edge (horiz)
shov= 7.5; // screw hole offset from plug top (vert)
shdi= 3.6; // screw hole diameter
shdp=10.0; // screw hole depth
skdi= 9.5; // socket diameter
bhgt=10.0; // bulb filament/element height
mfl = 0.01;// manifold (discontinuity)

// Parabloid module:

module plug3() { // outer third of batt plug
    difference() {
        // two screw holes
        translate([-mfl,shol,phgt-shov]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder($fn=20, h=shdp,d=shdi);
        translate([-mfl,plng-shor,phgt-shov]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder($fn=20, h=shdp,d=shdi);

module plug() { // entirety of batt plug
    plug3(); // side
    translate([pwdt,0,0])mirror([1,0,0]) plug3(); // other side
    translate([(pwdt-nwdt)/2,ndpt,0])cube([nwdt,plng-(2*ndpt),phgt]); // middle
    translate([0,0,phgt]) cube([pwdt,plng,rhgt]); // lid

difference() {
    translate([pwdt/2,plng/2,bhgt+phgt-1  ])paraboloid (y=rhgt,f=bhgt);
    translate([pwdt/2,plng/2,bhgt+phgt+mfl])paraboloid (y=rhgt,f=bhgt);
    translate([pwdt/2,plng/2,-mfl])cylinder($fn=40,h=phgt+rhgt,d=skdi); // socket hole
Is this what you had in mind?

Yeah, wow I forgot all about that project. Just went in a pile with all the other good ideas I don't have time for. That's pretty neat, I'm not really familiar with scad. I'll have to see if I can translate that into an stl and try printing one.
Yeah, wow I forgot all about that project. Just went in a pile with all the other good ideas I don't have time for. That's pretty neat, I'm not really familiar with scad. I'll have to see if I can translate that into an stl and try printing one.

After you load up the file(s), just press F5, F6 and F7 to get an STL.
I believe that’s the battery I used as an emergency avionics power supply when it had to be removed from my ELT.
I believe that’s the battery I used as an emergency avionics power supply when it had to be removed from my ELT.
That's some rather unimpressive energy density and power:weight ratio
Remember, the price is free.

Very useful batteries. kept in a box under my seat, provided battery backup for my IFR Garmin GPS and a handheld NAVCOM. Never had an alternator failure after starting to use this system, but nice backup.

When the next battery was changed out, i used the older one for my depth sounder in my sailboat. Many days of use, and still going strong. I continue to be surprised at the energy those batteries continue to have many years after expiration date.
Remember, the price is free.

Very useful batteries. kept in a box under my seat, provided battery backup for my IFR Garmin GPS and a handheld NAVCOM. Never had an alternator failure after starting to use this system, but nice backup.

When the next battery was changed out, i used the older one for my depth sounder in my sailboat. Many days of use, and still going strong. I continue to be surprised at the energy those batteries continue to have many years after expiration date.
I managed to dismantle one. They are a bear to take apart. Inside, they're just a series of 9 alkaline D-cells except with solder tabs instead of buttons.