Removing Strobes


Jan 27, 2013
New Hampshire
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Emerson Bigguns
Our bonanza has a CG that is further aft than is desirable, so we're trying to eliminate as much weight in the aft part of the airplane as possible. Two items that are back there are the power supplies for the strobes. There is one for the tail, and one for the wingtips. We have an LED beacon that is mounted on the top of the fuselage. Just wondering if it would be legal to remove the tail and wing strobes along with their power supplies, and install a 2nd LED beacon on the belly, using the hole that the ADF antenna is mounted to now. I believe that would give 360* coverage to comply with the certification of the aircraft. I know we could replace the wingtip strobes with a LED Nav and Strobe combo, but those are pretty expensive and we are a CSOB. Just curious if this would be legal.
so we're trying to eliminate as much weight in the aft part of the airplane as possible. Two items that are back there are the power supplies for the strobes.
Last I recall those power supplies don't weigh that much. I would first calculate the CG shift before removing. Using a generic chart/weights I don't see a change worth removing those systems. If your CG is that far aft...and it is not close to other similar models...then recalculate the changes to your weigh/balance since last actual weight/balance performed or maybe have the aircraft reweighed as an alternate path prior to correcting CG issues with equipment relocations.
Is the bacon on your tail a tso'd 360deg beacon appropriate for the year of your plane or is it just a 'recognition light' ?

Wheelen has a handout on the different combinations allowable depending on the age of your plane.
Is the bacon on your tail a tso'd 360deg beacon appropriate for the year of your plane or is it just a 'recognition light' ?

Wheelen has a handout on the different combinations allowable depending on the age of your plane.

Yes, and it is not on the tail, it is on the fuselage. It is a Whelen Chroma 360. We'd put the same thing on the belly, but probably in white, and have it linked to the current "strobe" switch.

Per the Whelen handout we'd be legal. I am more curious about the legalities of removing a system that the aircraft was certified with. But I have seen many Bonanzas with no wingtip or tail strobes, and just fuselage mounted anti-collision lights, so I suspect we would actually be legal.

Now the big question, and one that @Bell206 raised, is that would it actually be worth it? I don't know, and we are planning on weighing the airplane after our ADS-B install next month to see if the numbers in the book actually match what the airplane weighs.
I am more curious about the legalities of removing a system that the aircraft was certified with.
FYI: when it comes to the legal side, your mechanic can make just about anything legal with the right paperwork and log entry.

But as a side note, if after you reweigh and clean up your weight balance report and your CG is still aft of where you would like it then another option is to install permanent ballast vs relocating equipment. This is done in aircraft with required empty weight CG limits and specially configured aircraft but it can be used for manipulating any CG. Most use lead plates attached to primary structure. It reduces your usable load a bit but for some it adds flexibility to their loading schedules.
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Mmmmmmm. BACON!
When was the last actual reweigh done? Depending on how it was done might be the difference. Seat locations, oil level, fueled or not, scales calibrated, junk left in the baggage, height of the struts, etc.

Just be prepared for the results. Aircraft never lose weight. ;)
Our bonanza has a CG that is further aft than is desirable, so we're trying to eliminate as much weight in the aft part of the airplane as possible. Two items that are back there are the power supplies for the strobes. There is one for the tail, and one for the wingtips. We have an LED beacon that is mounted on the top of the fuselage. Just wondering if it would be legal to remove the tail and wing strobes along with their power supplies, and install a 2nd LED beacon on the belly, using the hole that the ADF antenna is mounted to now. I believe that would give 360* coverage to comply with the certification of the aircraft. I know we could replace the wingtip strobes with a LED Nav and Strobe combo, but those are pretty expensive and we are a CSOB. Just curious if this would be legal.

If the aircraft was certified with wing strobes, I don’t believe it is legal to remove them. LEDS are your best option.
The requirements changed several times over the production run of the Bonanzas. There's not enough information here to answer the question.
If the aircraft was certified with wing strobes, I don’t believe it is legal to remove them. LEDS are your best option.
The equipment list will show whether they are required or optional. The airplane would have been built to the CAR3 or FAR23 standards in play at the time it was built, and they will have the requirements listed there. Plenty of airplanes are having their strobes removed in favor of LEDs.

If the airplane never flies at night it doesn't need any external lighting.
It all adds up eventually but I suggest pulling the power supplies and weigh them. If they are like mine they are maybe a pound a piece.