Remember to check NOTAMs

If there was a NOTAM out before the accident it is surprising that ATC didn't ask the pilots if they had it. I recently flew into an airport with a PPR NOTAM (twice), and ATC asked both times if we had that particular NOTAM. In fact it was Denver Center, who would also have been working the flight into Telluride.

My thoughts too..

Hard to believe center gave them an approach to NOTAM'ed closed runway..
When I stopped by in June, Ed told me that he was being forced out. He said something to the effect that someone thought that he was making a ton of money and they convinced the powers to be to get rid of him. He was planning on moving to a near by airport, don't know if that happened or not.

That blows. I've met road grader drivers that made more money than Ed ever did and had better bennies and way better work hours. And a State pension to boot.

Oh well. Cabelas went chain store and there's little to no reason to go to SNY for me anymore if the above is true. Not that the new FBO will care.

If I do go, it's nice to have the L/R tanks so they can enjoy not fueling my piddly little Cessna. Tankering fuel to places that shouldn't receive my dollars, is about the only benefit of having the big tanks. Again, not that they'll care.