Record for TFR density


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Apr 12, 2016
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Maybe we should try to track the record for TFR density. Saw this this morning. Americans love their sports....and TFRs.

Even better is that the Flight Briefers don't even have a list of them (at least not the last time I asked . . . ). If I was flying to Houston today, how would I be able to find out about these? I live several states away and have no idea what schools and teams are there, much less their schedules!
I'm tempted to run for office. After I'm elected I'll declare that I will take a train for all domestic travel just so I can beat this record.
Looks more like a math problem to me.........
I'm tempted to run for office. After I'm elected I'll declare that I will take a train for all domestic travel just so I can beat this record.
They essentially did the same during campaign season and a bus route across the state. I think it was for Obama’s re-election.
and the airlines can barrel right through them. Ain't different spanks for different ranks great? :D
How about this today in Phoenix??

I'm tempted to run for office. After I'm elected I'll declare that I will take a train for all domestic travel just so I can beat this record.
if really want to make an impact... take a party bus
I'm tempted to run for office. After I'm elected I'll declare that I will take a train for all domestic travel just so I can beat this record.
I'd just ban them. No need to inconvenience people.
A TFR, as with a locked door, only keeps good people out.
upload_2019-1-19_9-33-13.png upload_2019-1-19_9-33-54.png birds of a feather, crack skulls together :D
Your friendly CBP field offices thank you for your cooperation in keeping the Vaterland safe. :rolleyes:
and the airlines can barrel right through them. Ain't different spanks for different ranks great? :D

I have flown into a few presidential TFRs... an air ambulance. I don't remember all that had to be done, something like had to be on an active IFR flight plan and call the FSS on the RCO and get permission, as long as the chief pilot remembered to call ahead of time and gave the SS, which was sitting in at the FSS, the secret password for the day.
If I lived in one of those metro areas I would probably just quit flying.

TFR’s are one of the biggest knee jerk legislations I’ve ever seen.

Stadium and Disney TFRs aren’t kneejerk legislation at all, although they love for people to think so. They’re in place to prevent banner towing over stadiums because the team owners and league can’t get a fee from them. They used safety as a reason to make it palatable.