Poll on Gas Prices


Cleared for Takeoff
Feb 23, 2005
St. Charles, IL
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Well, not really a poll as in voting I guess, but I was shocked to be charged $3.69/gal last weekend at DPA. Are your prices going up too?
bstratt said:
Well, not really a poll as in voting I guess, but I was shocked to be charged $3.69/gal last weekend at DPA. Are your prices going up too?

Ya'll are either getting ripped off, or having to add something awfully expensive to your gas. Near Philly, I'm paying about $2.20 gal, which is up about forty cents.
bstratt said:
Well, not really a poll as in voting I guess, but I was shocked to be charged $3.69/gal last weekend at DPA. Are your prices going up too?

$3.50 for 100LL and Jet-A here at N99. I don't know what current pricing is, but 100LL at TEB at one point was well over $4.00 if I remember correctly.
2.11 at HII for 100LL. But thats because a new FBO opened and Sun Western is trying to put D2 out of business before they get going.
I hear car gas prices are about that in some parts of the country. I am now paying 37 bucks to fill up my car - it had held steady around 32-33 for quite some time...
Stinson was at $2.65 last time I checked. It's probably up to $2.85 now (self-serve).
woodstock said:
I hear car gas prices are about that in some parts of the country. I am now paying 37 bucks to fill up my car - it had held steady around 32-33 for quite some time...
I'm clobbered with $72 to fill up my 30 gal diesel tank if I let it get too low. Diesel just jumped another $.10 to $2.39/gal here in Denver. :mad: It's just not right! :no:
gkainz said:
I'm clobbered with $72 to fill up my 30 gal diesel tank if I let it get too low. Diesel just jumped another $.10 to $2.39/gal here in Denver. :mad: It's just not right! :no:

I talked with a guy yesterday that has a Hummer. 38 gallon tanks. Ouch.

Good thing he works for Valero (aka Diamond Shamrock).
RotaryWingBob said:
$3.50 for 100LL and Jet-A here at N99. I don't know what current pricing is, but 100LL at TEB at one point was well over $4.00 if I remember correctly.

Holy Cats Bob! Go up to N47 and get it for $2.67/gal. Or go to where Joe is going for $2.20! Heck I can't even get auto fuel for $2.20. (Joe, are you using your good looks to get that price???)

I'm paying between $2.65 - $2.95 here in the Denver, CO area. I'm paying $2.30/ gal for unleaded 87 octane for my car. Not much of a spread, IMHO.
bstratt said:
Well, not really a poll as in voting I guess, but I was shocked to be charged $3.69/gal last weekend at DPA. Are your prices going up too?

Here in Seattle lately when pilots rent aircraft from one of the higher priced FBOs, it's the usual WET rental fees plus an additional "fuel surcharge".
Dave Krall CFII said:
Here in Seattle lately when pilots rent aircraft from one of the higher priced FBOs, it's the usual WET rental fees plus an additional "fuel surcharge".
Air Orlando has been doing that for more than a year. From an owners standpoint, that extra $7/hr is still not enough as our fleet fuel prices are more at $4/gal, but raising the rental rate is met with too much resistance, so my airplane will soon become a former rental.
$2.70/ gal at my home airport. I've paid as much as $3.70 in my travels.
Ken Ibold said:
Air Orlando has been doing that for more than a year. From an owners standpoint, that extra $7/hr is still not enough as our fleet fuel prices are more at $4/gal, but raising the rental rate is met with too much resistance, so my airplane will soon become a former rental.

Oh, OK... as long as the rental rate doesn't go up ! Sheesh.
Dave Krall CFII said:
Oh, OK... as long as the rental rate doesn't go up ! Sheesh.
It's a matter of perception. I would just hike the rate, but the flight school wants to somehow pretend these fuel prices are temporary. But I do know that in the last year my airplane has gone from making money to breaking even on the same number of flight hours, with maintenance holding steady. Therefore, my motivation for keeping the airplane in the pool has evaporated. So I'll just have to keep the airplane all for myself! That's hardly a calamity for me, but I suspect a few local pilots will be disappointed, as it's the only taildragger for rent I know of within an hours drive.
Ken Ibold said:
It's a matter of perception. I would just hike the rate, but the flight school wants to somehow pretend these fuel prices are temporary. But I do know that in the last year my airplane has gone from making money to breaking even on the same number of flight hours, with maintenance holding steady. Therefore, my motivation for keeping the airplane in the pool has evaporated. So I'll just have to keep the airplane all for myself! That's hardly a calamity for me, but I suspect a few local pilots will be disappointed, as it's the only taildragger for rent I know of within an hours drive.

Perception... I know.
Just always thought pilots should be above that, regardless of subject matter.
Where do I get these wierd ideas ?
Fuel price at False River (near Baton Rouge,LA) was $2.60 for the longest. It has just gone up to $2.99 in one price jump. Ouch!

I've been in Germany for a couple of weeks and had the chance to do a little GA flying with a pilot friend. 100LL...oh, about $8.50 per gallon...and fees for EVERYTHING! We don't know how good we've got it. Keep Phil Boyer in your prayers.
bstratt said:
Well, not really a poll as in voting I guess, but I was shocked to be charged $3.69/gal last weekend at DPA. Are your prices going up too?

Barry, I never thought I'd say this, but you need to come see me at C81 to save some money. It's $3.27 a gallon which we think is nuts.

I filled the mains, flew for a hour and half, landed and went right back the pumps. Refillig the mains took 23 gallons. I told the kid I wanted the long lasting stuff next time. ;)

AirNav says it's $2.89 at Waukegan, $2.89 at Burlington, and amazingly $3.32 at Galt.
100LL is $3.39 at UKT today, unfortuately card reader on the the gas pumps don't work correctly! If no one's there - no fuel.
Hey, to everyone chiming in here with the fuel prices at their local airports:

Would you take a minute and update the price reports on Airnav ( www.airnav.com )? I am surprised at the number of busy airports at which the prices haven't been changed in many months. With the rapid increases of late, this information is so helpful in planning, and it will only take you about 30 seconds to do.

I've got a lot of cars but with gas prices going up I drive my Prius to and from work. I save the others for fun. The Prius gets between 45 and 50MPG. The tank is 11 gallons that is good for 450-500 miles.

My classic mustang convertible is great when I have the need to burn some gas.
The highest price I ever paid was 3.77 plus landing fee plus parking fee plus handling fee at Chicago Meigs a few years ago. I pay $2.80 at my home airport PHN.

At Wings KLOM its $2.99 per gal and on Wednesdays its Whacky Wed and they charge less. I think about $2.49 per gal. Not bad for the Philly suburbs

Adam Zucker
I'm amazed that the prices are so much all over the board! I mean, if one FBO can sell it all day long at $2.65 and another asks $4 or $5 per gallon, does the higher-priced FBO make 80% to 100% profit on every gallon -- over and above the what-must-be-marginal profit seen by the lower-cost operator?

I can understand that the cost is much lower for self-serve...no trucks...no line crew...and honestly, I'd rather not pump it most of the time.

I am also completely confused about something...why are prices so high in general (for cars as well as airplanes)?

It seems like soon before-or-after the IRAQ war started, prices jumped up and never came back down. Didn't a free iraq (which wasn't supplying oil in large quantities), now able to suppy as much as it could...and no threat from Saddam...ease fears?

Who is making all the money here? OPEC? Shell, Chevron, Exxon, etc? The local gas station and/or FBO?

Here in Georgia, the legislature snuck in a nice .50 per gallon (or something like that) tax. We were told that we had low prices because we had a state income tax (as opposed to FL...which has no state income tax, but higher gas prices)...but I just got back from FL and their prices are really not that much higher than ours.

It just seems to me that all of a sudden, all of the above have their hands in our pockets and nobody in our government seems to be doing anything about it. I'm usually a laisser faire kind of person, but it seems to me that if something isn't done we will be paying $8.50 right along with our German friends...and that sucks...
RobertGerace said:
Here in Georgia, the legislature snuck in a nice .50 per gallon (or something like that) tax. We were told that we had low prices because we had a state income tax (as opposed to FL...which has no state income tax, but higher gas prices)...but I just got back from FL and their prices are really not that much higher than ours.

Awww crud Bob - when did they do that? I just did a quick search on this year's legislative bills and couldn't find it. I did find the following link that details all the states' gas taxes. Georgia does have near the lowest, but I'm hoping it'll only be a 5 cent increase and not 50 :no:

ooops! There I go ranting before checking the facts. An acquaintence who owns a gas station told me that...go figure... :(

I'm glad to know that's not the problem, but I'm still wondering what *is*???
As a fellow Georgian you had me scared there too. Stop by 9A1 sometime. One group there has 310 S/N 2. (and S/N no longer exists). It's in quite decent shape too and flown regularly.
Central Illinois KIJX
2.55 100 LL
2.87Jet A

Prices will go up when the airport has to buy fuel again. But for now it is realtivly cheap as compared to most. Down side about IJX is they do not have a fuel truck only pumps
Wiscasset, Maine on April 12: 100LL @ $3.39. Not that I needed any; don't have delivery of the new plane, yet.

Examiner told me today about an airport in S. Texas still a $2.17. He flys a Long-EZ
maximus said:
Central Illinois KIJX
2.55 100 LL
2.87Jet A

Prices will go up when the airport has to buy fuel again. But for now it is realtivly cheap as compared to most. Down side about IJX is they do not have a fuel truck only pumps
Oooh. Max, I'll be sure to stop at Jacksonville when I return from the south.... :). Lincoln IL is up to $2.70 on the card pump.
At MKC, these are the current prices for fuel.

100LL: base $3.55 transient $3.75
Jet $3.80, or else contract fuel
Dave2 said:
Here in MI, just north of Detroit, it's $3.19 at VLL and $2.99 at D95

C'mon over to PHN Dave, 100LL is $2.70 (County) or $2.80/gal (private FBO) your choice. This is about the same as 2 years ago.

At one time 76G had the cheapest 100LL in the county ($2.45) but as of last week were up to $2.95.

There is (was?) a card reader and reasonable prices at 3DA a couple of years ago, but I don't know what they charge now.

RobertGerace said:
Who is making all the money here? OPEC? Shell, Chevron, Exxon, etc? The local gas station and/or FBO?

I don't know the exact answer to that, but i can tell you that it is not the local gas stations. My parents own a small gas station and we make approx. 1 penny a gallon on gas, sometimes less. The gas stations most likely are keeping it so low to bring buisness of other sorts into the store to buy drinks,food etc. As of the way FBOs work, i am really not sure. I would think that prices were raised more, simply because it is a huge source of revenue.