POLL: Liberal or Conservative?

Liberal or Conservative?

  • Liberal

    Votes: 17 30.9%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 38 69.1%

  • Total voters
gibbons said:
Yep, I'm an anti-Centerest.


Centerest was a nice option for a C-172, what with the wider cabin; but there's not room for it in my coming C-152 II, so I guess I'll have to be anti-centerest.

HR :rolleyes:
I think it's interesting how many people refuse to pick one or the other, claiming to be somewhere in between. But, when they pick a position to defend, they consistently defend one from just one side of the political spectrum. I've noticed this is particularly prevalent among those who defend liberal positions for some reason. If my attention span were long enough, I'd check the next time Republicans are out of office and see if conservatives are similarly subdued about their beliefs.
Joe Williams said:
I think it's interesting how many people refuse to pick one or the other, claiming to be somewhere in between. But, when they pick a position to defend, they consistently defend one from just one side of the political spectrum. I've noticed this is particularly prevalent among those who defend liberal positions for some reason. If my attention span were long enough, I'd check the next time Republicans are out of office and see if conservatives are similarly subdued about their beliefs.

Are you saying that many self-proclaimed centrists only defend one side of the spectrum (usually liberal)? I'm slightly confused by the post. Sorry.

I think that people would like to say they're in the middle so it doesn't seem like they're stubborn. That way it looks like they will listen to both sides. I could be wrong on this *shrug* I personally try to look at both sides, but more than likely will stick with my beliefs unless there is some new evidence that needs to be weighed in.

Something I find interesting that I thought about recently, is think about any debate you've seen on TV. Almost all of the time, the debate will include the two extremes in the topic of discussion. In essence, the debate will never have a technical winner, because both sides are vehemently opposed to the other. The "winner" appears as a result of the influence on the audience watching. I just thought that was interesting.
This thread got me wondering. Is there a survey (there's a better word than that, but my feeble brain can't come up with it right now) one can take to see just where on the liberal/conservative scale one falls? My inquiring mind would like to know just where I fall.
Toby said:
BTW, in the interest of defining terms, when I say "socially liberal," it has nothing to do with government programs or redistributing wealth. To me it means individual acceptance of all people and the choices they make over their bodies and life partners. It has to do with inclusion, a joyful welcoming of differences. I'm not sure what anyone else's definition is.

Toby .. that would be my definition too and pretty much describes
how I feel.

I voted .. but it was tough to really pick a side, because my
views are all over the place.

I'm against the redistribution of wealth. I think we have an obligation to
help those less fortunate that us. I DON'T think the govt has the right
to take our property and give it to someone else .. we should be
helping others on our own because it's the right thing to do.

I'm strongly supportive of the 2nd Amendment.

Everyone should be able to do what they want if it harms no
one else. I don't think there can be a crime without a victim.

I'm pro choice.

I think the Liberals should stay out of my bank account and the
Conservatives out of my bedroom.

I think we should dissolve the IRS and go to a flat tax. EVERYONE pays
10%. No deductions. You made $1000 last year .. $100 goes to the
Treasury by payroll deduction. You made $1,000,000 last year .. $100,000
goes to the Treasury. Period.

I think we should profile at airport security.

Now figure that all out.
