PoA slowness?

That was me making a typo while reconfiguring the server.

I think it might be better now. Time will tell.
Me too
Just got this message.

Page could not be loaded​

The requested page could not be loaded.
  • Check your internet connection and try again.
  • Certain browser extensions, such as ad blockers, may block pages unexpectedly. Disable these and try again.
  • Pilots of America may be temporarily unavailable. Please check back later.
Just got this message.

Page could not be loaded​

The requested page could not be loaded.
  • Check your internet connection and try again.
  • Certain browser extensions, such as ad blockers, may block pages unexpectedly. Disable these and try again.
  • Pilots of America may be temporarily unavailable. Please check back later.
It's a veiled public service message encouraging us to go fly, or at least go to the airport and hang out with fellow pilots.
I've experienced these hangs/delays for days. I thought it was my connection until now.
Somebody leaned out the internet mixture knob too far; it's like a golf ball through a garden hose.

Someone call Heather Brooke, she'll get that loosened right up.
Just in the last few hours I'm having trouble getting the site to load at all, when it does it's quite slow. No problems on any other sites that I can tell.
Same here just now... it's intermittent, sometimes it's fine.
620:am the next morning; still slow.
Possible denial of service attack?
I was completely unable to even get to POA yesterday for about 6 hours
Works well for me now. Looked at the network graph and the only thing not working 100% was a favicon that seemed to work on the second attempt.
early this morning it still wasn't working but now seems to be working fine.
Now you’ve done it

(just kidding)

no kidding. literally every time I said it was good yesterday it cr@pped out on me again. hopefully we're back in bidness.
I think we were under a spam attack yesterday. Never saw anything get past the protections, but there were a LOT more connections than normal to the site. Late in the evening I jumped the max concurrent connections number up in the service which helped somewhat, but whatever it is seems to have stopped.
I think we were under a spam attack yesterday. Never saw anything get past the protections, but there were a LOT more connections than normal to the site. Late in the evening I jumped the max concurrent connections number up in the service which helped somewhat, but whatever it is seems to have stopped.
Thank you Ron!!!
New here and everything was very slow to load yesterday -- just kind of assumed it was the norm. Everything is snappy now.
Seems fine this morning. Who did we annoy enough to attempt a DDoS attack?
Somebody who doesn't like all of us fat cats in our private planes...
Perhaps it was my dual turboed Commodore 64 sucking up all the bandwidth ... :rofl:
At the moment it seems to be doing well. My WAG is SQL problems that hopefully got resolved by automatic or manually initiated cleanup actions. But that's a total WAG as I'm not privy to the inner workings on the server.
At the moment it seems to be doing well. My WAG is SQL problems that hopefully got resolved by automatic or manually initiated cleanup actions. But that's a total WAG as I'm not privy to the inner workings on the server.
co-incidentally, I think Beechtalk has been having similar problems for the past couple of days.