PoA Management Please update the LinkedIn page

Ahh yes, that seems like a mission critical task for them to do on a Sunday night :rolleyes:
Cuz god knows everyone hears about PoA through... LinkedIn...
Wait, did you create that page OP? without asking permission? VTB if so.
What would be the benefit of a LinkedIn page for POA? POA is not an employer, not someone looking for a job. It does not fit into the LinkedIn model.
Social media is not the answer to a question that doesn't exist or is irrelevant.
What would be the benefit of a LinkedIn page for POA? POA is not an employer, not someone looking for a job. It does not fit into the LinkedIn model.
Social media is not the answer to a question that doesn't exist or is irrelevant.
There's no requirement that companies and other organizations on LinkedIn be employers. LinkedIn's aspirations are bigger than just being a job search board.
What would be the benefit of a LinkedIn page for POA? POA is not an employer, not someone looking for a job. It does not fit into the LinkedIn model.
Social media is not the answer to a question that doesn't exist or is irrelevant.
Never mind sir, it's irrelevant! Sorry I just wanted to do something for PoA.