Perhaps one of these for your hangar?

Be sure to click on the link for the video.
Maybe Lance and Tom D. could collaborate on this and get one ready in time for the Gaston's trip.
Two problems with this design. 10-beer magazine, and Lite.

Other than that ...

I bet my 12-year-old could build something similar to this out of Lego Mindstorm!
Some people have way too much time on their hands... At least no real beer was in danger during the filming of this.
I love the 'round' coming up out of the magazine (oops, refrigerator) through a door. I want one of those, but it won't have Bud Lite loaded. :D
Pfft. A week of drinking Guinness on draft makes me totally rethink ANYTHING not on draft.


who has the parts, but has been lazy...
I could tell I was going to like it when I saw the title of the link.:)
Check out the potato gun / tennis ball launcher. That's wicked.