
“OK, Hans, you can log ze periodic landing gear stress test as complete. Ve vill now land ze airplane.”

and his seeing eye dog
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The quest for Fahrvergnügen takes many forms…
Here's the ATC compilation from VASAviation -

The best part of this is around 1:30 when JBU 2836 reads back the line up and wait instruction.... She got a front-row view of things and couldn't hold back laughing during the readback.
Here's the ATC compilation from VASAviation -

The best part of this is around 1:30 when JBU 2836 reads back the line up and wait instruction.... She got a front-row view of things and couldn't hold back laughing during the readback.
Thanks for that!

My favorite part is when the pilot is asked (twice) the reason for the go-around (as is standard). He doesn't really answer either time. First, "just my landing so we'll do another try", then once prompted by the tower as to whether it was an unstable approach, responds "yeah, it was an unstable approach, balked landing".

I do suppose in today's recorded world an airline pilot wouldn't want to just say "I screwed up the landing" on the radio.
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I do suppose in today's recorded world an airline pilot wouldn't want to just say "I screwed up the landing" on the radio.

Well, to me saying "my landing" when prompted with reason for go-around he did just that with different words.
Yeah, I've done a couple like that (but not as much smoke from the tires). Hopefully not very often any more (gusty crosswind landings excepted)
Residual jet blast from the departing Skywest?? :)
What would you expect? It's a Boeing, after all.

Tee hee. Surprised no one said it already.