#OSH23 Jambalaya/Chili Party Tuesday

Sorry I ended up getting there so late! I missed @TangoWhiskey and @SixPapaCharlie and probably some others. Big thanks to Grant for saving me some food!

I flew the plane in after the airshow, and it was somewhere around my 35th-40th Fisk arrival. While I timed it such that I'd be one of the first in after the airshow with a 5:40PM departure from KUES and hearing planes just getting into the Rush Lake hold, I ended up getting the full treatment and holding west of I-39, half a state away, as each holding pattern filled up in just a couple of minutes. Finally touched down on the Green dot (27) at 7:41 PM, and taxied all the way home... Or, at least, it sure felt like it! I ended up with my tail against the south fence of the airport, in the last row of the South 40, shutting down over a half hour later at 8:12 (so much for props stop at 8)...

It was still a thrill, and my passenger from Germany enjoyed it as well. Next year, hopefully I'll make the whole party again.
We will NOT have a Jambalaya night in 2024! We've decided to take a short(?) break and rejuvenate! We wanted to give everyone enough notice!
If someone wants to take it over for the year, contact me and we'll see how we can assist! We're still determining if we'll be attending this year.
We're drifting a bit from aviation, not having flown since 2017.
We'll address 2025 later!
Thank you to you and Leslie for doing it all these years. You deserve a break!
What…. What’s all this “thanks”, “it’s alright…” stuff? What about us? Don’t we have rights?

Ok fine… We wish you the very best! Us and our grumbling empty spoiled stomachs will be happy to welcome you back into the fold.

No wait. I only got to go once… mods! Can’t you do something to prevent this travesty of entitlement?

No wait… uh, where ya goin? We have planes. We can follow ya! Ha!

See? You’ll be missed! You are great humans! We all owe ya plane rides should ya need a little fix!
Thank you for all the years and full bellies. If you guys are ever thirsting for a tasty and free beer, you know how to find me.
I wasn't planning on OSH this year (SIGGRAPH the following week) and this just confirms my decision.
Grant, you and Leslie provided outstanding food and an excellent gathering for years. I hope your sabbatical doesn't last long, but if it does, know that your efforts were greatly appreciated by a lot of people.

Thank you.
Yes, we're doing it again! I'll do a full post once I get the location, but for now hold Tuesday night if you're going to be at #OSH23.

Here's what @lprellwitz has written up so far:
So here we are…. The Camp is Staked at the same location as last year. …. As such, we may proceed with plans for the Jambalaya and Chili Dinner Party for Tuesday Night at Camp Bacon!!!

WHERE: Camp Bacon. It’s in both Apple Maps and Google Maps. Camp Scholler between the Grey Lot and Sleepy Hollow campground.
On 19th st,1 block East of Stitts, between Ironwood and Hickory.
If coming from west, head east on gravel drive Schuhart (Scholler registration) from Stitts, then south on first lane (19th) and go two blocks.

Will plan on appetizers to be available between 7 and 7:15 with main dishes served at around 7:30 - and we serve 'til it's gone!

PROVIDED: We provide jambalaya (andouille sausage, shrimp, chicken, rice, vegetables, and spice) and chili with all the fixings- vegetarians, consider yourselves covered! I'll also be gathering appetizers, dessert, soft drinks, etc. during a couple of Pick N' Save pilgrimages in the preceding days, as well as that morning.

BRING: The most important thing to bring is.... yourself!!!
If you want to bring something, some ideas are: Libations (canned soft drinks and water will be provided, but feel free to bring any additional items you’d like (beer, iced tea, lemonade, water and soda goes with both dishes, wine not as much, though some enjoy it; margarita, sparkling wine goes with everything) French bread, cheese, crackers, bacon, sausage, BACON JERKY, chips, salsa, hummus, guacamole, desert, fruit, veggies or whatever you wish to provide.

COST: $0 - it's all about Friendship! (well, maybe bring a hug if you’re so inclined – it’s been a rough year, I could use some!)

Let me know if you're planning to attend, and if you’re planning to bring something to share so I can gauge quantities and make final calculations on Andouille and Shrimp acquisition, and how much 'Brand X' Chili Powder to bring with.

Really looking forward to seeing everyone!
This sounds awesome.
We will NOT have a Jambalaya night in 2024! We've decided to take a short(?) break and rejuvenate! We wanted to give everyone enough notice!
If someone wants to take it over for the year, contact me and we'll see how we can assist! We're still determining if we'll be attending this year.
We're drifting a bit from aviation, not having flown since 2017.
We'll address 2025 later!


Man... Oshkosh just ain't Oshkosh any more. My co-owner in the Mooney is also missing OSH for the first time since I've known him, and this party has always been my chance to catch up with lots of PoAers during the week.

Maybe we can all just get together at Camp Bacon on Tuesday night and do something blasphemous like order pizzas?

Grant, thank you. And please pass on all of our thanks to the chef herself, from all of us who have enjoyed the best food of the show for all these years... Since 2009!!!
Hi @gprellwitz , I heard that you and Leslie will not make it to OSH this year. If that's true, we will miss you and hope to see you at 6Y9 this year. When I heard you were taking a break from the party, I had hoped that Leslie and you would be able to enjoy OSH without the responsibilities as you've definitely earned it!
Hi @MarkR and everyone - thank you so much for the kind words! I miss seeing y'all's smiling faces across from some big cooking pots already :sad:

We will be at 6Y9 (accommodations have been reserved); early planning for Sunday breakfast is in process.
Man... Oshkosh just ain't Oshkosh any more. My co-owner in the Mooney is also missing OSH for the first time since I've known him, and this party has always been my chance to catch up with lots of PoAers during the week.

Maybe we can all just get together at Camp Bacon on Tuesday night and do something blasphemous like order pizzas?

Lol, has anyone informed camp Bacon just how hard it is to cancel these events? Just ask Jay and Mary... I still attend the "We're not doing the HOPS party" party on Wednesday night for the airshow and the company... It's just a BYO everything gathering.

The Food was phenomenal (thanks Leslie and Grant for all the years) but the really draw is the company. If others will be hanging showing up for the company BYO everything style, I'll swing by. If Bacon doesn't want us, our site wherever it ends up would be an alternative, however it's not a large compound so would likely be over run.