Nova Scotia to Sun n Fun


Filing Flight Plan
Mar 11, 2019
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Hello this is my first post here.

We intend to make tracks from our home in Nova Scotia along the eastern seaboard to stay at S n F for the duration. I have a few questions on route ideas. Stops along the way and most importantly
I am looking for GA camping tips on site. Any hints and past lessons passed on to me would be appreciated. Is the full monday-Saturday worth staying? Is there better options out there? My Friend and I are flying down in his Cessna 177B. He is IFR and we plan on filing the whole way. Probably do some 3 ish hour legs.


Welcome to the forum,you will have plenty of good stops on the way down the coast,you can start by checking out air nav.
wait, are you looking to camp along the way or just looking for places to see on the way down, or both?
If your camping experience is to be limited to SNF, I'd ship the tent and bags and stuff ahead via FedEx. No need to load up the plane for that.

[That's my Oshkosh routine]
How long of daily legs are you looking for? I fly to NS yearly (YHZ usually, a few times at Porter's Lake) from the Washington DC area and also head down to SnF. It's possible to camp the whole way down. Do you do grass strips?
I'll also note that it's good that you can fly IFR, but if weather conditions permit, fly VFR from Maine to about Virginia. IFR routings in the northeast go all over the place. From Virginia South to Georgia, IFR direct is typical. Florida is typically back to airways, but generally not too circuitous.
Hey All. Thanks for the prompt replies. No we are going to probaby stop overnight somewhere near KSBY. Grab a room. I found out about Airnav in another post on here. It looks like an interesting site. We are looking at 3 hour legs and most likely 2 to 3 per day. Thanks for the VFR tips in the NE.

I have heard the GA campsite is a mixed bag. Is that true?
Hey All. Thanks for the prompt replies. No we are going to probaby stop overnight somewhere near KSBY. Grab a room. I found out about Airnav in another post on here. It looks like an interesting site. We are looking at 3 hour legs and most likely 2 to 3 per day. Thanks for the VFR tips in the NE.

I have heard the GA campsite is a mixed bag. Is that true?

Are you asking about camping at SnF? What do you mean by mixed bag? It's Florida, so it can be warm and they can get weather (t-storms), but it's like airplane camping anywhere else. Baths and showers are onsite.

Also, if you're doing a trip this long is serious suggest using a some sort of electronic flight bag.
Hello this is my first post here.

Welcome! :)

We intend to make tracks from our home in Nova Scotia along the eastern seaboard to stay at S n F for the duration. I have a few questions on route ideas. Stops along the way and most importantly I am looking for GA camping tips on site. Any hints and past lessons passed on to me would be appreciated. Is the full monday-Saturday worth staying? Is there better options out there? My Friend and I are flying down in his Cessna 177B. He is IFR and we plan on filing the whole way. Probably do some 3 ish hour legs.

Keeping in mind what others have said - I would do the first leg IFR, and land at KPSM for your first stop - They appear to have reasonably priced fuel, they're about halfway to KSBY, they're an international airport so you can clear customs into the US, and you can request the RNAV (GPS) RWY 16 approach, aka the "Tweety Bird" approach, so named because if you read the fix names on the procedure starting with the western IAF through the MAHP, it sounds an awful lot like this:

On the following leg, I would go VFR, and fly down the Hudson River corridor at NYC - Roughly, head to the JEDIL intersection and proceed southbound down the river to APPLE and then on your way to KSBY.

On day 2, you might consider deviating from the direct path a bit and flying VFR a little bit down the coast and stopping in at KFFA to pay homage to the Wright Brothers. The monument doesn't require a ton of time to tour, but it's worth a stop to see their little shop buildings, the spot where they first took flight, and take a walk up the hill to the monument itself, and admire how good of shape they must have been in by the end of their 1902 flying season, after having dragged a glider up that hill 700 times! :eek: If you continue down the Outer Banks for a bit to KHSE, there is a little sandwich shop within walking distance of the airport there.

I don't have any recommendations of places I've been for the next spot to stop, but KCPC looks to have cheap fuel and courtesy cars.

While I would not stop there as a quick food/fuel stop, if you need to wait out a weather system elsewhere on your trip or want to spend an extra day along the way, Savannah (KSAV) is an interesting place to explore. Starting right at the airport, there are actually graves under the runway, complete with flush gravestones in the runway. Fort Pulaski, a little ways out toward Tybee Island from the city, is a fascinating and very well-preserved relic of the US Civil War, with some fascinating history and technology of the time. It was thought to be impenetrable when it was built, but new tech allowed it to be taken, and it still has some of the rifled cannon rounds embedded in its walls. There are a LOT of really great restaurants in town, and just tons of other things to see and do. It's a neat city.

@Kejidog do you use ForeFlight or another EFB app?
If you RON in SBY, I would recommend Evo Public House for libations and food, then Rise Up on East College for coffee and breakfast.

(as an aside, making URL links on an iPad sucks!)
On day 2, you might consider deviating from the direct path a bit and flying VFR a little bit down the coast and stopping in at KFFA to pay homage to the Wright Brothers. The monument doesn't require a ton of time to tour, but it's worth a stop to see their little shop buildings, the spot where they first took flight, and take a walk up the hill to the monument itself, and admire how good of shape they must have been in by the end of their 1902 flying season, after having dragged a glider up that hill 700 times! :eek: If you continue down the Outer Banks for a bit to KHSE, there is a little sandwich shop within walking distance of the airport there.

I love HSE (it's my home away from home and walking distance of our beach place) but for a quick pop-in, I think Ocracoke (W95) is actually a better stop. It's easier to go out on the beach and Howard's Pub will give you a lift to their restaurant in town. If you don't mind the walk there's actually a bunch of good places in Ocracoke. If the OP does choose HSE, call Frisco Sandwich Company (252-995-3354) and make sure they're open. They usually open right around that first week of April.
I have heard the GA campsite is a mixed bag. Is that true?

I have camped there three times. There are showers, but depending on where you are in GA Camping, it can be a bit of a hike. (The showers are in the RV (motorhome) camping area - so the first row of GA camping is pretty close, but the further back you get, the longer walk it is.) There are porta-potties located every few rows of camping, so never too far away for that.

Other than that, it's just a basic campsite - a plot of grass to put your tent on.

I have been both sweaty at night and freezing (well, not "freezing", but when it's under 50 degrees out, you're in a summer-weight, well-vented tent and have lightweight bedding, it can feel pretty cold).

Guaranteed to get at least one thunderstorm rolling through.

But there's nothing quite like getting woken up by a P-51 taking off!

I tend to NOT spend much time at the campsite. I get up, go into the main area, and don't go back until it's time to sleep. It takes about 15 minutes to walk from the GA Camping into the main event area, so not bad at all. Much less than Oshkosh!
Thanks for the help. I’ll answer a few of the questions asked of me. By mixed bag i have heard anecdotally that the GA camping is muddy not well serviced and really far away. While i don’t mind a long walk to get anywhere i don’t like to be next to a porta potty with no showers. Would anyone recommend camping in the larger area and leave the plane in the ga parking? Being from the east coast of Nova Scotia. The cold in April should not bother me as the night time lows are about the same as my august lows!!

Are there any close by GA airports that allow camping that may not be as busy? Or is it a large fly destination that will fill early? We have secured a rental car so we have wheels in FLA.

We are excited to come to our both’s first fly in airshow. And hope it may be a small step to Airventure.
Oak Island? Never heard of it. I think it is all a hollywood fake! Lol.
Thanks for the help. I’ll answer a few of the questions asked of me. By mixed bag i have heard anecdotally that the GA camping is muddy not well serviced and really far away. While i don’t mind a long walk to get anywhere i don’t like to be next to a porta potty with no showers.

I have never had a problem with muddy ground. However, my sample size of "3 times" may not be representative.

I measured on Google Earth - the absolute closest you can get to the showers in GA Camping is about 670 feet (walking distance). That's not bad. That's if you're parked in the best, first spot. The absolute furthest away you can get is probably about 1900 feet. That's a bit of a hike, which I had (most of) one time. All depends on timing.

Porta-potties for that middle-of-the-night "need" are a maximum of about 400 feet away.

As I said above, I spend very little "awake time" in the camping area. So I would make the trip to the showers one time each way daily, and usually one trip to the porta-potty. The rest of the day I am in the event area.