No iPods crossing the street in NYC


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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Hey! New York is copying Chicago again!

The Chicago City council already outlawed driving with cell phone that isn't hands free, and fois gras, and they're working on banning trans fat. They almost made Wal-Mart stay out of town Duh Mare vetoed the ordinance.

So for cell phone, earphones good. For iPod earphones bad. Got it.

Does LISTENING to an iPod or phone make you incapable of SEEING the traffic light?
If it is not an iPod is it ok to listen to as I cross the street?

I hate walking around with the earphones in. I feel so detached from the environment, especially with the new earphone I have from Shure. They are fitted into my ears and seal very well. They make it almost impossible to hear even without any sound coming from the iPod.

Stupid law though.
You can't legislate the dumb out of people.

Never stopped 'em from tryin'. :no:

In fact, some state (SC, I think) once tried to legistlate the value of pi to be 22/7. Talk about dumb. Maybe the reasons you can't legislate the dumb out of people is that the legislators themselves, well... :rolleyes:
You can't legislate the dumb out of people.


No, civilization is doing a fine job of increasing it. Just think. All those people who in the past wouldn't have survived now do. And breed. It is indeed scary.

NY and MA are high on my list of states I don't ever want to live in. Much for this reason.
In fact, some state (SC, I think) once tried to legistlate the value of pi to be 22/7. Talk about dumb.

Yeah, everyone knows a much better approximation of Pi to be 355/113. Good to 6 decimal places. 22/7 is only good for two.
Yeah, everyone knows a much better approximation of Pi to be 355/113. Good to 6 decimal places. 22/7 is only good for two.

And some of us just know that the first 11 digits of pi are 3.1415926535 so we don't need any of those measly fractions. ;) :D
The Chicago City council already outlawed driving with cell phone that isn't hands free, and fois gras, and they're working on banning trans fat. They almost made Wal-Mart stay out of town Duh Mare vetoed the ordinance.

So for cell phone, earphones good. For iPod earphones bad. Got it.

Well Mike, just in case Chicago didn't stink enough already, I'm on my way there right now, carrying...

...Fourty-four thousand pounds of pinto beans. :D :D :D :rofl: