New Fuzzy Family Member

I wouldn't get self cleaning litter, just good clumping litter (fragrance free - Arm n Hammer is good) and a scooper and just do that 2x a day. It also helps a LOT (a lot) to get kitty pan liners.

I have a water fountain for my cats and they love it. Fill er up - it's got a charcoal filter and they like the aerated circulating water. Stays clean, too.

Wad up a piece of tin foil and throw it - she will love you forever. Also grocery receipts are good fun when crumpled up.
The LitterMaid is mostly a trial run. The real solution seems to be this:
Have to wait until I get a house though to plumb that like I'd want it.
I got sucked into RH of NJ this time around... not too bad! Better than the umpteen-million RH of OC reunion shows that they had (and Heather had to watch every bloody one of them!). Seriously, how many reunion shows do you need? There were more reunion shows than there were episodes in the season!

Okay, back to the OP thread - did y'all think of a name yet? :)
Actually, two cats really are no more trouble than one and they really do keep each other company and amuse you and themselves. Your kitty will be very happy with a playmate.
I have two cats and Elizabeth is right. They will take care of each other.

Just look at how hard it is for me when I am working from home and one is asleep and does not want to be bothered with the other

It is a tough job.
$300? I can buy an awful lot of kitty litter for that. And, somehow it doesn't sound like the solution when you have 3 cats in the house.
The purpose isn't to save money on kitty litter -- it is to avoid the work and hassle of a litter box..and to have an overall cleaner solution.

I'm not worried about kitty litter. I am more bothered by feces just sitting in a pan. Seems like there must be a better solution and overall people tend to think highly of the above.
Actually, two cats really are no more trouble than one and they really do keep each other company and amuse you and themselves. Your kitty will be very happy with a playmate.

I have two cats and Elizabeth is right. They will take care of each other.

Just look at how hard it is for me when I am working from home and one is asleep and does not want to be bothered with the other

It is a tough job.

I also agree. We see them play with each other and say how glad we are that we got two.
I just lost one cat to a coyote so we're down to 4 and Viveca won't let me get another (yet). How weird does that make me?

Congrats on the kitty. Second the dry food suggestion. Enjoy.

Just add me to the list of folks who don't recommend the automatic litter box. My favorite cat trick is when I let my "indoor" cats outside for a romp and they come back in to use the litter box.