Jimmy cooper
Airplane is a 1960 Beechcraft Debonair with 6000 total time 1400 SMOH 800 SPOH
Sale price firm at 37K from broker and seller
The squawks are engine gaskets and oil leaks, landing gear and lot of deferred maintenance. I'm waiting to see what seller will offer to fix. They agreed on airworthy items from my conversation and per contract.
How can anyone advise you on an old airplane, and I mean old, that's got 6000 hours and a high time engine?! Answer is they cannot. It's up to whoever inspects it, and if they are really a good mechanic, familiar with this type beech. Sound like its a lot more than " a few scratches". Is it hangared? Are the logs in order and what does " deferred" mean. Does it mean important things that were not done? Is it in annual? . ( it should come with fresh annual.) personally, with the info at hand, I'd walk. Engines are very expensive! I get the impression it's had lousy care. Rumsfeld would probably say, " too many unknowns" .