[NA][RANT] Keep your toddler AWAY from work day!

fgcason said:
top but everyone is so much more relaxed and happy for days after that. I think puppy day should be mandatory at least once a week.

i did a brief stint as a chemist at a Pet Medical Co. ... every friday people brought their pets to work. The owner had a beautiful Full Size Poodle that came in ... she ran the place. She came every day, though... not just on Fridays.

we used to joke about the place going to the dogs....
Carol said:
You are a nice woman and you know it :)

you are just the sweetest Southern Belle in existence (-: A toast to you :martini:

I guess I am going to have to punk my hair and change my wardrobe to dispell that.

You know, Ms C, you could shave your head and wear designer pre-ripped punk jeans and still be beautiful, and the munchkins would still know you are a kindhearted lady.
sierra said:
you are just the sweetest Southern Belle in existence (-: A toast to you :martini:

You know, Ms C, you could shave your head and wear designer pre-ripped punk jeans and still be beautiful, and the munchkins would still know you are a kindhearted lady.

I think you just overpinged my BS meter ;) But thank you ever so much for your kind words. :)

Maybe on the jeans but no way on the head shaving.
How do you say on your party invitations, "No Kids" in a more tactful way. The invites went out already for this one, so its for next time.
'babysitter will be provided' and then find one?
'children will be entertained while confined to the (attic, basement, barn, holding pens)
Let'sgoflying! said:
How do you say on your party invitations, "No Kids" in a more tactful way. The invites went out already for this one, so its for next time.
You know who has the kids. Call them up and say that you are planning an adults only party this time.
Let'sgoflying! said:
'babysitter will be provided' and then find one?
'children will be entertained while confined to the (attic, basement, barn, holding pens)
Big mistake. :no: :hairraise:
Everyone will bring their kids!
Let'sgoflying! said:
How do you say on your party invitations, "No Kids" in a more tactful way.

well if you really don't want the kids, it may be in your best interest to ignore tact and just come to the point.

personally, if someone is honest and to the point about it, I can respect their wishes more easily. You have to wonder about someone's respect for you if they are offended that you would like to have an adult party.
sierra said:
well if you really don't want the kids, it may be in your best interest to ignore tact and just come to the point.

personally, if someone is honest and to the point about it, I can respect their wishes more easily. You have to wonder about someone's respect for you if they are offended that you would like to have an adult party.

Got to agree with this. We tend to bring Sean just about everywhere, and sometimes forget that folks may not want him around. Subtlety can be missed, I'd rather a straightforward "adults only, please" note.
ausrere said:
What I REALLY used to hate, was when I was working in uniform, and some child would be really throwing a fit in public and the parent would try to use me as some sort of control device. ...snip..... :D

I'm under the impresssion that some parents think that LE is their babysitter. Got a 911 call yesterday from some woman close to tears who wanted an officer to come to her house because her 16 year old son was upset and throwing a tantrum because mom wouldn't let him 'hang out' with certain kids. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........I was so tempted to echo the thoughts of that Texas dispatcher that said, "so, what do you want us to do, shoot her?" I wish that parents would get a friggen clue on how to properly raise their children. Never had a problem with my kids. they knew that if they misbehaved, especially in public, that life would not be pleasant for the next few days. No, I did not beat them! Loss of privileges and lots of chores works wonders, with an occasional whap on the behind. It was so nice to have kids that behaved. When the twins were about 6 years old, the ex and I had a dinner thing that we had to go to, the babysitter canceled out, so we ended up taking the kids. Two and a half hours at a five star restaurant, and they behaved like angels.
sierra said:
well if you really don't want the kids, it may be in your best interest to ignore tact and just come to the point.

personally, if someone is honest and to the point about it, I can respect their wishes more easily. You have to wonder about someone's respect for you if they are offended that you would like to have an adult party.

That would be the way I'd handle it.

"Adult party, no children please".
Wow sounds too good to be true. Most people I know are so sensitive about their children not being included in everything, not being on a pedestal, not being the star of every show might be offended if I came across so boldly. Oh well, maybe I'll try it - I can probably live with it!
Let'sgoflying! said:
Wow sounds too good to be true. Most people I know are so sensitive about their children not being included in everything, not being on a pedestal, not being the star of every show might be offended if I came across so boldly. Oh well, maybe I'll try it - I can probably live with it!

Sometimes we just have to take the chance that we might offend. 99% of the attendees at the party will cheer you. 1% will get miffed. Let 'em be miffed. Better to offend 1% by stating the policy up front than to P.O. half of the 99% because unwanted childern are running around terrorizing folks.

And even after you've been blunt, there will be some clod that brings thier kids anyway. "Oh, I didn't think you really meant that". They get dropped from the guest list next time.... and if it weren't for liability concerns, their little sodas might well be spiked with likker (no, I've never done that, but I've thought about it).
Bill Jennings said:
I used to cringe when I'd be on an airliner and a screaming little meanie would be in the seat near me, and I'd look daggers at the parents.

Now, I feel compasion for both the parents AND the little ones, and usually give them that "I know where you're at" smile.

OTOH, having been on the receiving end of many a chair-back kicking child on the airlines, I made darn sure my daughter knew better than that when she flew with me on an airliner.
In case anyone thinks from skimming this, 'those guys hate kids' let me say "T'aint true at all!"
I love (well behaved) children!
(It's the laisse faire parents that drive me nuts!)
