[NA] Cop hits cyclist head on!


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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*WARNING: There is obscene language—Mature audiences only* :rolleyes1:

Ouch! That had to hurt...

For those involved with law enforcement, what type of action is likely to happen to this officer?

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“I got a text from another officer...”

Put the damn phone away.

That’s why we pay millions for the damned ”interoperable” digital radios and trunking controllers and all the crap necessary for those to work.

You need one hand to operate the mic and you don’t have to look at it.
I ain’t in LE, ain’t got a clue what action is likely to be taken, but I think that cop just got himself a new nickname. Probably Schwinn or something like that.
Depends on his disciplinary record...if he has never screwed up before, a day or two suspension. If he has a history, he could be terminated.
I got hit by a car like that. Hurt the bike more than me, I saw it coming. Indeed I think that's what soured me on bicycles. I see something coming on the motorcycle I can get out of the way.
what will the cyclists' lawyer get him $$?
I believe Missouri is one of the states yet to ban texting while driving. Can you imagine the uproar if they had such a law? Could you imagine being the cop who tried to write a ticket for it after this numbskull event?
I got hit by a car while walking in a crosswalk with the green light (or walk symbol). There wasn’t time to get out of the way. My body put a nice dent in his hood. Dude just took off and left me in the street. Ruined a nice suit and was sore for a couple of days. Would have broken my legs if I didn’t have the presence of mind to jump at the last second. Scary.
My favorite part of the article:
The Missouri State Highway Patrol is investigating whether the patrol officer, Charles W. Wallace, 41, was distracted while driving.

How much of an investigation does this really need. He hit a stationary object. Not only that, but he cut the corner badly enough that if it were a stopped car, he would have hit that as well.
Suspended with pay!

Yeah, I saw that.

"My bad, I just about ran over a guy on a bicycle"

"No prob, dude, go on vacation until this blows over..."
Turn the tables on this and think of the repercussion if it were a civilian who hit the cop on his bike. I don’t think their cushion would be as soft.
LMAO “your fine” he didn’t even apologize
I always get a kick out of someone being suspended with pay. It would be like telling a kid in high school who is kicked out for a few days for bad behavior, "but we're going to give you 100% on all your assignments you won't be doing and tests you won't be taking."
Getting hit by a car is scary. When I was a kid (~13) I got hit by a car bad. I was jamming out to the Beastie Boys "No sleep til Brooklyn" on my Sony Walkman.
Not paying attention at all, I decided I would make a quick U-turn in the middle of the road and I got T-boned by a freaking boat of a car.
I vaguely remember going over the top of it and I distinctly remember hitting my face on the passenger side mirror and falling to the ground.

I couldn't walk and the guys that hit me were freaked out big time. They were going to take me home but I kept trying to refuse their help.
I thought if I could somehow manage to get home w/o mom and dad knowing, I wouldn't get in trouble.

No dice. I couldn't walk. They took me home. Mom and dad took me to the ER and a cop was there. He told me over and over how I was at fault and how much worse it could have been.
I was all "I totally get that.. Look at me." I was banged up bad.

"License to Ill" is a great album though.
Beginning to wonder if equipping my vehicles cameras and wearing a body camera is becoming a necessity.

The madness caused/created by others is increasing, so documenting by video appears to become a requirement these days to protect myself.
Turn the tables on this and think of the repercussion if it were a civilian who hit the cop on his bike. I don’t think their cushion would be as soft.

Don Lemon wants to interview you Ryan. :rolleyes:
Beginning to wonder if equipping my vehicles cameras and wearing a body camera is becoming a necessity.

The madness caused/created by others is increasing, so documenting by video appears to become a requirement these days to protect myself.
Not a bad idea. We have a dashcam in each of our vehicles. Including my bike. If I f*** up, I have it on camera. If someone else does (MUCH more likely), I'll have video proof with a timestamp. Would have saved my hiney in the past when digital video recording equipment wasn't readily available, small enough or cheap.

Glad this biker is alright. Could have been worse.
I'd love me a paid vacat... errr ... suspension if I tried to kill someone. :)
@Sac Arrow .... can you give us an idea on how much that bike was worth?
Turn the tables on this and think of the repercussion if it were a civilian who hit the cop on his bike. I don’t think their cushion would be as soft.

That's the litmus I use with every shooting, car accident, etc. when a LEO is involved: "If an everyday Joe did EXACTLY what he/she did, what would the outcome be?"

Usually the answer to that question is far from the actual outcome. Which is frustrating.
I wonder if turning into the bright setting sun had a little to do with not seeing the bicyclist.??

One time in Grand Prairie, Alberta, a RCMP made a right turn from the left lane in front of me. I naturally hit the brakes, turned onto the grass to avoid the accident while on the little whiney Subaru horn. He turned and looked at me, then pulled into the same restaurant we were heading to. We were in line right behind him. I expected a sorry bud, but nothing. Never even made eye contact as I was standing really close, and then we sat at the table next to him. Oh well. All the rest of the Canadians we met were really friendly.
That's the litmus I use with every shooting, car accident, etc. when a LEO is involved: "If an everyday Joe did EXACTLY what he/she did, what would the outcome be?"

Usually the answer to that question is far from the actual outcome. Which is frustrating.
There's definitely a lot of crooked police officers out there. No matter how much or little the LEO is at fault for any one thing, it seems like most of the time it gets twisted back around in their favor. There's a smaller police department here that will pull you over for looking at them cross eyed and they're known for being ass-hats. The City and County police are the total opposite.
I wonder if turning into the bright setting sun had a little to do with not seeing the bicyclist.??

Maybe, but he still cut the corner by a significant margin in order to hit the cyclist. How about proceeding closer to the center of the intersection before turning the wheels. I see people cut corners like this frequently and almost hit cars stopped at red lights. There's no excuse for it.
Maybe, but he still cut the corner by a significant margin in order to hit the cyclist. How about proceeding closer to the center of the intersection before turning the wheels. I see people cut corners like this frequently and almost hit cars stopped at red lights. There's no excuse for it.

Correct, no excuse.

But in airplane accidents all factors are looked at, and besides paying attention to his phone and cutting the corner he was turning into a setting sun. Which makes more reason to pay attention to driving.

Personally, if I had run someone over like that, I would have taken a few days off to collect myself and get over the shakes.
Turn the tables on this and think of the repercussion if it were a civilian who hit the cop on his bike. I don’t think their cushion would be as soft.

You’re always so verbose when it comes to the uniformed. :)
Suspended with pay!

Such total scumbaggery that practice.

Turn the tables on this and think of the repercussion if it were a civilian who hit the cop on his bike. I don’t think their cushion would be as soft.

The list of infractions alone and the repercussions on a civilian’s ability to purchase automotive insurance would be many thousands of dollars for three or so years. Minimum.

Let alone what it would do to a commercial driver’s license, and a real threat of job loss, which essentially is what cops are doing ... driving commercially.

The difference in liability and real costs between a cop doing this and a so-called regular citizen, in laws that were approved by no one except politicians, is hideous.

The insurance company of a regular citizen would be handing that guy an enormous check to make the whole thing go away with a signed statement that the person who got hit agrees to not pursue it further.

That guy will be in for months of fighting just to get his bike replaced.

But hey, they gave a Deputy Sheriff near here who was facing child porn charges took a plea deal that resulted in probation only and no jail time today. He was sharing his “art” on a so-called “dark web” website.

Personally, I think hanging him in the public square is too good for him. And the DA who made the deal, too.

Not held to the same standard and certainly not held to a higher one.

Designed that way by politicians to keep the job underpaid. If one had to properly insure oneself for professional liability while carrying a badge and gun, the job would pay as much as a physician and insurance would require similar years of training to hold the job.
Such total scumbaggery that practice. .

Not a fan of the wording, but I wont disagree wit the sentiment. This should definitely be suspended without pay. The only suspension with pay should be post-shooting time and administrative investigative stuff, where there is no proven charge yet.

The insurance company of a regular citizen would be handing that guy an enormous check to make the whole thing go away with a signed statement that the person who got hit agrees to not pursue it further.

That guy will be in for months of fighting just to get his bike replaced.

BS on that. The City will hand this guy a check pretty quick in an effort to make it go away.
BS on that. The City will hand this guy a check pretty quick in an effort to make it go away.

Around here they hand out checks but it takes forever. Maybe different where you are. They’re in no rush whatsoever. No motivation to settle quickly.

The taxpayer is paying for the defense of the officer, and they’ll just raise the taxes if it gets expensive.

I wouldn’t count on any jurisdiction paying in time to cover a funeral if they kill someone. Or any Doc doing any major surgeries because “the City will be paying for it”. LOL. Nope.