N/A Why does MSN.com randomly open in a new tab?


Mar 7, 2013
Display Name

Display name:
Windows 8.1
Firefox 48.0

About once every few hours of use or once every couple days a new tab will randomly open this page:

It does not happen right when I open my homepage.
It seems to happen randomly when I am browsing the net.

Why does this happen? Vast MSN conspiracy?
How can it be stopped?
I'm not going to brave clicking a weird link, but my guess is that it's some kind of pop-up ad and your settings have popups opening in a new window. I haven't used msn in about a decade, though.

The best solution for this kind of problem is to smash the computer and set the remains on fire. Baseball bats are most efficient, but golf clubs are fun for dramatic effect. Just be careful not to miss and put a hole in your wall... sucks to have to run out to Home Depot at this time of night. Especially if you've already put a few cold ones down the hatch.

When you get around to buying a new computer, stop use dated websites like msn.

Good luck.
I can't remember exactly what they were doing at the time, but I sure remember the three letters "msn" in a not favorable way, and promptly kill anything on my computers which involve that.
Sounds like a virus....

I'd start by un/re-installing ff and if it keeps happening give your computer a shot of penicillin.
Your computer's favorite year was 2004, and it wants to share the love with you.
I didn't choose MSN, it chose me...
Speaking of moms, my mom still uses MSN. Not only that, but she actually still pays for an email account. I tried explaining to her that email has been free for the last twenty years, but I don't think it clicked. I'm pretty sure she's still on AOL dial up.
Start out at malwarebytes. Give your PC a good virus cleaning. Once done, do it again. It will take a couple of days but it is worth it. This is true as well if your PC seems to be slowing down as well. Most of the virus cleaners are free. They are selling you a service (like AVG).
I don't use msn. Never have. It just started randomly opening a msn tab since the random invitations to upgrade to Windows 10 started popping up in a new tab. Those have stopped or they seem to have stopped but the random msn tab persists.
Check your PC. Sounds like you have a virus right there.