N/A Memories of a Former Client


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
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Harley Reich
The party was a frequent customer at my camera store for several years. When a college freshman the student wanted to write a column for the college newspaper. The faculty advisor listened to the pitch, but informed the would-be journalist that the paper was an instrument of the upper classmen. The student persisted via numerous approaches and was finally told, "OK, it'll be a trial, but you have to have your manuscript here at 12:30 sharp, on Tuesday.

Tuesday arrived: 11:45, and no freshman journalist. 12:00 noon, and with no appearance the advisor figured, "So much for budding journalism." At 12:15 the student entered the room, nodded to the seated advisor, and proceeded to a typewriter station. Putting a paper into the machine the student rattled off a document, arose and walked past the advisor while dropping the document on the advisor's desk and saying, "See ya next Tuesday." The same procedure would continue for four years. The student returned today to the alma mater, extremely wealthy, extremely generous -- in the million$ -- over the years to many beneficiaries. A lady friend of mine was a high school classmate of the student and has said, "If I only knew then what I know now."


Good story. And his advice to the graduates was good, too. When we graduated from Washington State University we knew we wanted to return to the northwest. It took 20 years, but we finally made it 10 years ago. I can understand his advice about Maine. And, be generous. To as many worthy causes as you can. In our case, primarily church and WSU.
The lady friend I mentioned in my first post has said that when they were in high school most students would get their English composition papers back, graded, in about two or three days. "Stephen would get his back about two weeks later. So wildly imaginative were his papers that each would get circulated throughout the entire school faculty, not just the English Department."

Below is his house on outer Broadway, Bangor, ME. And he and Tabitha have bought another old mansion which they are totally restoring to its original grandeur.

Ever wonder what nightmare scenario would really scare Mr. King? Other than danger to loved ones and such. I mean he's certainly caused a few nights of fitful sleep in his time.:eek: