My dog's new problem (WARNING: BUTT TALK INSIDE)


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me
My dog has been doing this thing, where he'll stop whatever he's doing, start whimpering, and then vigorously chew on his butt. I figured it had to be worms or something, so I called the vet to set up an appointment to get him dewormed. The vet, over the phone, indicated that what I was describing is not consistent with worms, but rather backed up anal sacs.

Anal sacs. How the heck did I live 25 years of my life and never hear that dogs have these? I talk to other dog owners and they all say "Oh, yeah, Anal Sacs. Easy enough to fix, just squeeze 'em and the most disgusting filth you could ever imagine comes out."

No thank you. I love my dog, but I'm not touching his butt, especially not with the idea that something's gonna be coming out while I'm back there.

The vet was nice enough to offer to get it done, but not until Wednesday coming up (I found out on Tuesday of last week). It costs $14.95. I say paying $14.95 is well worth not having to deal with this stuff.

The moral of my story is this: If you have a dog that seems uncomfortable around his butt, look into this. It can be very unpleasant to have unexpressed anal sacs, and they can even rupture and get infected, leaving no option but a "anal sacectomy" and that's never good.
Yep. Been there. Had that. Made lot's trips to the vet.

Usually the sign of trouble is when the dog keeps doing the butt scoot maneuver.

Bulldogs have all kinds of eye problems, too. Sometimes they look like Rocky at the end of the fight. You have to use drops and keep wiping thier eyes.

As my buddy said, bulldogs are a collection of genes that naturally would have been repressed...and humans messed around to keep the bad ones because they wanted them.
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I learned the hard way that cats have 'em too. Left untreated, they can get infected... then it's REALLY ugly.
I once horrified a genteel southern lady by telling her about her dog's 'anal sacs' problem. Must have been my accent, I found out later that her unusual reaction was because she thought I had said the above, but with a different vowel in the second word!

This is cute:

it says something about emptying them yourself....Ok as long as you don't bust one like a ripe grape!
(Cue Butthead): "Curmoidial Buttnoids: they're the glands that make your butt stink. Mmm heh heh heh heh..."
Nick, apparently Piper was never been extrememly scared. Every dog I ever had emits the not so pleasant aroma from said sacs when scared.

Believe me when I tell you that scaring a skunk would result in a more pleasant experience.;)
Nick, apparently Piper was never been extrememly scared. Every dog I ever had emits the not so pleasant aroma from said sacs when scared.

I think this is the root of the problem with anal secs, I mean sacs, and the modern dog. They never teach this, and I'd never heard it but we have come to this conclusion over the past few years.
We noticed pampered indoor pets who never have the slightest bit of stress have more problems than the outdoor pets that are often coming across stressful encounters. This came to mind when we realized that one cat we have is easily scared and during these instances, blows her glands...mmm nice smell, thanks for that!
So, is the answer to scare the living daylights out of your pet regularily? I suspect not. I really don't have a good answer, I have never heard of one either. Some pets, when scared to the threshold of anal gland expression, may well inflict injury upon the source of the fright.

There. We can talk about anything on the POA. We did bidet's and now anal glands of dogs.
"Oh, yeah, Anal Sacs. Easy enough to fix, just squeeze 'em and the most disgusting filth you could ever imagine comes out."

So, that expunged filth, feces only, or puss too?

Well, now that I've witnessed the vet do the deed, I am 100% positively glad I did not do it myself.

That was by far the most disgusting thing I've ever smelt. And the smell is lingering around him a little bit. I could describe the smell, but not in any way that could be acceptable in a public forum such as this. Y'all are gonna have to take my work for it when I say it was horrible.

Fishy, oily, ummm....rancid....ugh.
Nick, just for typing this thread you better take a shower before we fly this evening. Use soap; in fact, use anti-bacterial scrub.
My dog has been doing this thing, where he'll stop whatever he's doing, start whimpering, and then vigorously chew on his butt. I figured it had to be worms or something, so I called the vet to set up an appointment to get him dewormed. The vet, over the phone, indicated that what I was describing is not consistent with worms, but rather backed up anal sacs.

Anal sacs. How the heck did I live 25 years of my life and never hear that dogs have these? I talk to other dog owners and they all say "Oh, yeah, Anal Sacs. Easy enough to fix, just squeeze 'em and the most disgusting filth you could ever imagine comes out."

No thank you. I love my dog, but I'm not touching his butt, especially not with the idea that something's gonna be coming out while I'm back there.

Geeez wadda wuss. Put on a glove, stick you finger up there, feel for the swollen one, thumb on the outside and squeeze like a big ole zit. Do it outside, or better yet, a neighbor you don't like's porch. No big deal. When you artificially inseminte cows, you stick your whole arm up there to the elbow to hold the cervix.
Geeez wadda wuss. Put on a glove, stick you finger up there, feel for the swollen one, thumb on the outside and squeeze like a big ole zit. Do it outside, or better yet, a neighbor you don't like's porch. No big deal. When you artificially inseminte cows, you stick your whole arm up there to the elbow to hold the cervix.

Geez, Henning, we already believe you've done everything and had every job possible, but THIS IS AN OVERSHARE!
That was by far the most disgusting thing I've ever smelt. And the smell is lingering around him a little bit. I could describe the smell, but not in any way that could be acceptable in a public forum such as this.

Last time I said to the tech, "People would be doubly mad if they knew both how glamorous this job is, and that I make 3 bucks every time I do don't let the word get out!".

/perverse attraction to disgusting threads

PS one duty as a vet that I absolutely refuse to do for any money is 'collecting' from dogs. Now there's a thread that the moderators will lock down in minutes, so don't even start.
I learned the hard way that cats have 'em too. Left untreated, they can get infected... then it's REALLY ugly.

I have had a couple of cats that have had that problem. One of the vets I brought her to showed me how to 'express them' Smelly, and a word of warning, do not look directly at them when expressing them and keep you mouth closed. YUCK!
My dad isn't a pilot, but he'd follow this thread without a problem. Retired veterinarian. And I don't think for a second that he misses this procedure. But, his specialty was orthopedic surgery. :D
Geez, Henning, we already believe you've done everything and had every job possible, but THIS IS AN OVERSHARE!

When you have a ranch and a few hundred animals including dozens of cats and dogs, you gotta do your own vet work or go broke.
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