My daughter's beautiful poem


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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My daughter had an assignment to write a poem with 26 lines, each starting with a letter of the alphabet. It had to be coherent and make sense. I was blown away with the beautiful word picture she came up with, and wanted to share it with y'all:

As I walk through the meadows I listen.

Bees buzzing by,

Crickets singing their sad song,

Dusk colored bunnies jumping through the grass,

Even the wolf offers up his voice to the stars.

Frogs in the creek sing to the

Grinning Cheshire Cat moon

Hiding in the trees.

I know this song is not for my ears,

Just those of the animals who are the composers.

Know this fact well, I do, but

Listening to this song

Moves my heart.

Not seen but heard,

Owls sing their

Proud melody.

Questioning our world below

Reaching out through the blackness

Stars above our heads

Twinkle in tune to their own song.

Understood by all in the chorus

Very beautiful are the words

Which I do not understand.

Xylophones, nor harps, nor all

Your beautiful instruments can mimic the

Zenful symphony of nature.
Isn't it a treat when our kids pleasantly surprise us?
Troy, you've got a very talented lady on your hands. How long did she spend composing?
Ken, yes, she's a very talented 15-year-old (sophomore), will be 16 in April... it took her the one hour they had in class to work on it today...
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Troy, that is lovely, and brilliant. It makes me want to be in the environment that she describes. She must really be in tune with nature. :)
I've come back to this thread several times to read the poem again. It is very, very good.
Thanks guys! I'll forward her this thread... she'll get a tickle (and blush) at reading your comments.
That's an awesome poem.
Now, get DW's band to compose a few notes to go with it.
A number one hit. Then Dad needs a BIG, Fast plane to haul her and her entourage on a publicity campaign for the band.

Very impressive... I recall doing some of my best work at 15 too! Sometimes I miss it, but I doubt I could accomplish what I did then. Tell her to keep writing! :)
Troy, She is a Very Bright Young Lady and very talented. You Need to take her out for a SPECIAL Dinner. And let her know we all Enjoyed her Poem. I'm going to print it and show it to all my friends and Co-workers.
Dave G.
BTW You forgot to mention her name Troy.
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A lot better than any poetry I wrote in high school (or ever), that's for sure. Nice work. You've got a talented daughter.