Meeting the Maryland State Police Pilot


Jul 27, 2005
Ocean City, MD
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AugustaWestland AW139

Mary and I stopped to see one of the Maryland State Police (MSP) helicopters on display at the Ocean Pines Fire Department. I was lucky enough to meet the pilot from the crew that saved my life on the day of our airplane accident. It was interesting to hear their side of the events that day, and how it had an affect on their procedures moving forward. The pilot, Don, said they stopped in Salisbury (Peninsula Reginal Hosp.) because they didn’t think I would survive the flight to Baltimore shock trauma until I got blood. Kind of freaked me out to hear that bit of information. I Thanked Don for being on scene that morning and for the great chat today. Also thanked Courtney, a Maryland State Trooper/Paramedic, for hooking us up.

The crew that was with the display aircraft thanked us for stopping by and bringing closure to that day for them. The first responders typically don't get to experience the result of their efforts. I'm so glad we got to meet Don and he said he would talk to the other pilot and Trooper/Paramedic that was flying that day.

I can’t believe I didn’t get a picture with Don, obviously overwhelmed with seeing the helo and all the medical equipment on board as well as reliving that day back in June 2018.
It’s a really is a great story…and a happy ending.
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They used to be called Aviation Trauma Technicians back when I was in the Maryland EMS system. I've called for those guys countless times when I was a (ground based) paramedic in Maryland.
Gary, that's a great story. Calls like that they always remember, so it's great when they get to hear the rest of the story. The MSP trooper medevac program is great and has no doubt saved quite a few lives.
Chesapeake Sport Pilot at Bay Bridge Airport (W29) had a event yesterday where we teach kids about aviation in the morning then take them flying in the afternoon. One of the stations in the morning was careers in aviation, and seeing as we were hosting several Girl Scout troops, they had a lady who had retired from the Air Force, a lady controller from BWI, and a young lady who was the paramedic you talked about. She said it was great to meet you and see how you were doing. She also really enjoys talking to kids at these events and sharing about her job in aviation. I was impressed by her poise and professionalism.

(Funny aside, the lady from BWI said that she always made good grades in school, but kept getting in trouble for talking and staring out the window too much. She said she now has the perfect job!)
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……the paramedic you talked about. She said it was great to meet you and see how you were doing. She also really enjoys talking to kids at these events and sharing about her job in aviation. I was impressed by her poise and professionalism.

(Funny aside, the lady from BWI said that she always made good grades in school, but kept getting in trouble for talking and staring out the window too much. She said she now has the perfect job!)

It sounds like great event and it’s always good to have those positive role models for the youngsters.

Good to hear you met Courtney, the trooper/paramedic. She loves her job and it shows. Thanks for sharing your meet up.
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Amazing to think that this was 4 years ago. Time flies. Sure glad you are fine and were able to thank the folks who took such great care of you.
I have the pleasure to have met the guy that flies this airplane. Not really a police bird, but Caltrans' only aircraft. He has a pretty chill job. Fly the Bonanza to as many airports as he can to do state inspections.
