Marshaling Signals

I only dance when the King Air pilots take 20 minutes between start up and taxi and I'm standing there in the cold waiting to marshall them.

Then all bets are off and my co-workers laugh at me.
The one time I had a chance to freeze the butts off some unprepared lineman was in Texas just after a cold front passed. I told them not to bother with the marshal because it'd take me 20 minutes to warm the oil...
The one time I had a chance to freeze the butts off some unprepared lineman was in Texas just after a cold front passed. I told them not to bother with the marshal because it'd take me 20 minutes to warm the oil...
I wish that was the case here. Maybe they don't tell me to go away because they like seeing a skinny white boy dance. Haha. Eventually I just walk away if I have other stuff to do.
Just look for the guy dressed like a member of Run DMC. Only if you're in a helicopter, though.


No joke, this is legit:
I get marshalled almost every time I arrive at a Class C FBO. Even at KMRY.

And, it happened again yesterday.

I took a planeload of CAP cadets to Oakland, stopping with intent to just change seats. But one had to pee, so I taxied to Kaiser. Sure enough, there was a lone marshaller there who guided me next to a PC12 to park.
It gets more interesting when there are competing FBOs, each with their own Follow Me cart.
Always follow the golf cart with the prettiest driver.

Anybody remember the good ol' days when FBOs would give away things like Omaha steaks and such when you bought a load of fuel? (for your Lear, the 172s didn't get that kind of service)
I made the flight to Utah this week. I'll put a write up about it. The marshalling signals were pretty easy to figure out. When I taxied up by the FBO, there was a guy there waving his arms at me. It was painfully obvious where he wanted me to park and he halfheartedly motioned with his hands (no orange wands or anything) where to go. We parked right next to a really nice looking TBM 900!

The line worker got our rental car and parked it right next to our plane. It was super easy and convenient. When we left 3 days later, we only took on 16 gallons of gas, and on top of that they only charged us $5.00 for keeping the plane there for three nights. I was really impressed.