Lance F

PoA Supporter
Apr 9, 2005
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Lance F
I got to fly a brand new Tecnam Bravo LSA today. Pretty neat little plane. Has a 100hp Rotex engine with a 5800 rpm readline! The geared engine seemed a little weird to me. It seemed impossible to lock in an rpm.
The center stick control was very light and positive. I liked it. The rudders, connected to a steerable nose wheel, were very heavy. I didn't like that.

This plane was pretty well loaded with 2 Great Lakes Aviation screens. It was beautiful VFR in the Atlanta area today, so I scarcely looked at them. I'm pretty sure though the PFD needed some adjustment 'casue it sure didn't correspond to the actual attitude of the plane.

Getting it slowed down and descending for the pattern was difficult. For one thing the engine was idling at 2800 rpm. I think it's supposed to be less than 2000, so I putting out thrust I didn't want. Plus the composite construction is probably quite slippery. The book said you're not supposed to slip with any flaps, so I didn't. I wanted to and needed to though.
The book says best TD speed is 40kts. At that speed roll out is minimal. I made 2 TO and Ldgs that went pretty well with a light crosswind.

Visibility is quite good (for a high wing plane :D), and it was relatively quiet. It seemed pretty comfortable, and there is plenty of fore/aft seat adjustment available. The trim, both rudder and elevator, is electric with 4 little pushbuttons on the top of each stick. No manual trim at all.

The plane was delivered by the distrubutor Thursday (came down from Michigan I believe.) They definitely sent it with some squawks - throttle adjustment and avionics, so they need to work on their QC a bit. The owner was pressing them for delivery (already a couple of weeks late), but that's no excuse.

Overall this is a fun, responsive little airplane.
I've not flown the Bravo, but I have flown the Sierra quite a bit. The Rotax should idle at 1600 to 1800 rpm with warm up between 2000 and 2200 rpm. At 2800 rpm idle I bet it had a quick taxi! Tecnam makes a very nice airplane. We would slip the Sierra all the time with flaps extended. Wonder why the Bravo POH says not to?
I know the Bravo initially had no restriction on slipping with flaps down ( or any of the other models I've flown). I slipped ours all the time and never encountered any problems with elevator control. 2800 idle rpm is way to high and needs adjustment (easily done). Minor sqawks and adjustments are pretty common with brand new aircraft. I was wondering why the current Atlanta based distributor would need to bring an airplane from Michigan to deliver in the Atlanta area.
Flying Lears not enough for ya? Gotta take over the LSA spectrum as well??? :D
WOW Lance your experience in the Tecnam is almost identical to mine in the Kappa. I did not like the heavy rudder pedals it really bothered me and the PFD did not display what I was seeing. To that end the CFI advised since it is such an high viz cockpit and since the glare shield is much much lower than in normal SE planes the sight lines are different and leads you to believe the PFD is off. That being said it was a fun plane to fly. Climbed like a bat.
I'd like to master both the Bravo and the Sierra. Then I can be a Bravo Sierra artist. :cheerswine:
Flying Lears not enough for ya? Gotta take over the LSA spectrum as well??? :D
Same owner. Gotta fly all his stuff, don't I? Today I ran all over (9A1-3J7-PDK-CTJ-PDK-9A1-3J7-9A1) north Gergia in my Mooney to pick up his Peterson conversion 182 at Carrolton...and it wasn't ready:p.