Log Book Question

Ventucky Red

Pattern Altitude
Jan 9, 2013
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Can't believe that I have gone through an entire log book... in looking it over last night... and the memories...

I am starting a new log book this week, and my question is will I need to keep the old book with me to show my recent sign off for the Flight Review and the IPC, or can I just leave on the shelve at home?

I am working with the Wings program and have the IPC noted there, but not the Flight Review...

You only need a log book to show,the DPE ,when going for a new rating.
In fact, more than just "you don't need to carry it", the recommendation is usually "you SHOULD NOT carry it" with you unless you are actively doing something where you need a CFI to sign it, or need to show it to somebody. Many pilots keep their logbook in their flight bag, in their car, which is an awful place for it. This is something you don't want to lose, whether through misplacing it, or even theft (for example, it's in the bag with your expensive headset and iPad, it's not like the thief is going to be selectively sorting through your possessions).

Heck, the few times I've had to take it with me to the airport, I actually get a little nervous. Not to the point of paranoia or anything, but more along the lines of making sure I know where I put it at all times. I actually left a handheld radio on the wing once and took off that way. Glad it wasn't my logbook!
Also scan the old one and put into the cloud, old logs get lost even easier than current logs.
Recreational Pilots (all 300 or so of them) sometimes have to carry their logbook, too (see 61.101), but not Sport and not Private or higher.

Well, yeah. But that does not apply to the OP, and that is who I was addressing.
You only need a log book to show,the DPE ,when going for a new rating.
There are a lot of other regulatory reasons you must maintain a pilot logbook, but the only other FAA-required reason to actually present it for examination is a request from one of the parties listed in 61.51(i).