Life-Changing Bands (or Songs)

But what about messed up songs? Songs that, are popular but if you really think about the lyrics, either really stupid or creepy.

1) "Jolene" - the singer is going on and on asking this Jolene babe to not take her POS husband away from her 'cuz she knows that the old man is hot for Jolene. Talking about barking up the wrong tree - Jolene's gotta be thinking "the singer needs to slap that stalker creep upside the head, not come whining to me."

2) "Girl from Ipanema" - another stalker creep song. "she looks straight ahead not at me" Well, no ****. Don't make eye contact with some old fart who is leering at her each morning on her way to the beach. What do you expect. "How can I tell her I love her?" Dude, you ain't even ever talked to her...
Dang, about a year late to this one. I think I'm WAY too poppish/mainstream to really contribute life-changing music tracks, but...

There are some songs that end up in my playlist time and time again, and seem to either accentuate a mood I'm having, or stop me in my tracks and make me take *the song's* mood.

This has been my "Perfect Friday" song for decades. Played right about 4:50PM, to set the mood for departing the hateful cubicle and irritate underlings by going "Mmmmm cha cha cha" at them.

Caviar - Tangerine Speedo

This song always puts me into some sort of "F Yeah" ass-kicking mode. I'll play it before interviews and difficult meetings. :D

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Love Burns

If I've done something stupid, and need to reflect and regret my impulsivity (it happens a lot) -- nothing really works as well as this one

Placebo - Special Needs

But if all is well and i just want to chill? I like these

The Go! Team - Everyone's a VIP to Someone

The Shins - Phantom Limb

...I feel like the venn diagram of "music I like" and "music PoA likes" has the tiniest little sliver of overlap in the middle with "Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins there. :D

I think the first time I heard Caviar was on the Gone in 60 Seconds movie soundtrack. Kind of had a Beck-style sound with a little more rock guitar. I heard Placebo the same way with the Cruel Intentions movie. The Shins may be a bit on the pop-side of rock, but they have several good songs.
The challenge is, can you get from Gwar to the Carpenters just by clicking on the bands that pop up on the map?

Edit: It can be done in 9 steps (maybe less).

Is that anything like 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon?
Not exactly Venn but I love this site:

at the intersection of Gwar and The Carpenters

That's really neat. I checked a few of my favorites. I'm pleased to see when I put in "Joni Mitchell" that Bob Dylan does not come up.

I did find one they didn't know of, Wednesday Week.

And I found one I really like, October Project.

I did find one they didn't know of, Wednesday Week.
Another favorite that would have made my list here eventually :D

I'm a little surprised they weren't on the map, given some of the obscure stuff that is. Missionary at least got a decent amount of airplay on college radio.

who has it on vinyl
Found Sarah McLachlan back in 1996 as I worked a wretched job, slaved to pay for grad school, my father died from pancreatic cancer, and my then fiancé decided to make herself an "ex." This song (and more) brought it all together for me.

"But of course," you say, "Wednesday Week should *always* lead to The Hedrons."

If your whole life can get changed by a song you need more life.
I can help you find better music. :rolleyes:

who can lead a horse to water...
7, and all groups some of us have probably heard.

and his twisted path

3 steps. Sort-of.
Gwar -> The Rocky Horror Show -> Jesus Christ SuperStar -> Karen Carpenter

Strangely to go from "Karen Carpenter" to "The Carpenters" require another 3 steps:
Karen Carpenter -> Carpenter -> ABBA -> The Carpenters
My time stamp was the late 70’s into the early 80’s. The top music for the basement weight room was Meatloaf, yes I had a few others.

I've been slacking. In today's mix

Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra

Dex Romweber Duo (RIP Sara)

Oingo Boingo

and Barry Sax
Time for The Jam.

and a takeaway curry
Cleaning up a bit...

The Dry Heathens


Since I haven't had to do my usual monthly travel fir work since January, I've been pretty lax on searching out new music. Kind of hard to dig in through the web and really listen to new stuff on the 15 minute drive to work, lol.
Whenever I feel a little down, I just watch either of these videos and it makes me feel so happy. I miss going to punk concerts.

That's really neat. I checked a few of my favorites. I'm pleased to see when I put in "Joni Mitchell" that Bob Dylan does not come up.

I did find one they didn't know of, Wednesday Week.

And I found one I really like, October Project.

October Project, I have that disc around somewhere. Bought at the insistence of my then somewhat hippieish girlfriend after we saw them live at the Bearsville Theater in Woodstock. That era seems like a half life(time) away.

Time for The Jam.

and a takeaway curry

Have a Jam disc somewhere as well.

Today I’ve taken the strange road down the musical left turn of talk talk:

It’s my life, followed by
The Colour of Spring, then
The Spirit of Eden, and finally
Laughing Stock

Can’t think of any bands that had as major transformation as these guys...
Another side of the collection :cool:

Japandroids - Racer X

Cake - Comfort Eagle (also a source of many taglines over the years :D)

Caesars - Jerk it Out

and the hippy hippy shake
Last edited:
Another side of the collection :cool:

Japandroids - Racer X

Cake - Comfort Eagle (also a source of many taglines over the years :D)

Caesars - Jerk it Out

and the hippy hippy shake
Fashion Nugget was one of the first CDs I ever bought.
Old favorites night.

Man...or Astro-man?

Riverboat Gamblers

The Marked Men

discord tonight, dischord tomorrow
Chris Cornell. Interestingly he and John Lennon had the same song released posthumously.
"Worship Jeff Spiccoli not Chris Cornell,
Get a pair of Vans or god will send you hell..."

Suicide Machines, 'The Vans Song'

who picks it up
Dawn Wells' passing got me thinking of Squirtgun (they do a song about her, but not one of my favorites), which got me thinking of "Burn for You", which got me thinking of songs that are better on a live recording than studio. That's a long way to get to two more favorites:

Squirtgun, "Burn for You"

Pepper, "Face Plant"

who's thinkin' 'bout movin' to France
No real theme tonight, just 'different' songs by bands I like and have probably shared already.

A little ska makes everything better. Even Billie Eilish.
The Interrupters

Pinhead Gunpowder (one night I'll do a post of nothing but Green Day side projects...)

Dead to Me
