

Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
West Coast Resistance
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Holy crap, have you seen this picture supposedly over Libya's capitol.


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That guy is toast. What'd he do, violate the DC SFRA?
Actually that never happened. They said so on Libya's state run radio.
Shot down by what I wonder - small arms fire? What are the rebels armed with - and presumably trained to use - that would bring it down?
Shot down by what I wonder - small arms fire? What are the rebels armed with - and presumably trained to use - that would bring it down?

Answering my own question:

Rebels do have some anti-aircraft guns. The article is better than most I'm finding in that it is definitely an account from a reporter in Benghazi. The sobering thing is that the rebels may have knocked down a jet flown by a defecting comrade.
Reports are that the rebels shot down their own plane.
I read a few posts up someone was trying to defect.
That is cool, but it takes a lot to operate a fighter. Fuel, ground support, APUs, pilots, armorers, I mean, it is a major operation. I think that these rebels have some help if they are launching air strikes. Also, how will the no fly zone effect them if they are launching air strikes of their own?
That is cool, but it takes a lot to operate a fighter. Fuel, ground support, APUs, pilots, armorers, I mean, it is a major operation. I think that these rebels have some help if they are launching air strikes. Also, how will the no fly zone effect them if they are launching air strikes of their own?
I'm guessing the defector was either going to work with whatever fuel and ammo he had and then become a ground pounder, or simply take the plane and himself out of the government's hands (much more likely given a no-fly zone and logistics you mentioned). I read about a handful of Libyan pilots that flew their planes to other countries rather than support the current government.
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It looks like the British, the French, and the US bombed the heck out of them. I wonder how long it will be until we give them billions of dollars to fix everything we destroyed?
It looks like the British, the French, and the US bombed the heck out of them. I wonder how long it will be until we give them billions of dollars to fix everything we destroyed?
Good question. Well now that the government saved roughly the cost of 4 cruise missiles by defunding NPR we have loads of money just sitting around.
Good question. Well now that the government saved roughly the cost of 4 cruise missiles by defunding NPR we have loads of money just sitting around.
I'm not even thinking about NPR. To me that is a whole other issue. I don't see it as NPR vs. War. I just look at the amount of money that is being poured into the Middle East conflicts, and what we are getting out of it. I am so sick everyone bitching about cuts in general, not just NPR, and how much money we are just trowing away in foreign aid. It isn't even the cost of the bombs, it is the money that we are going to hand out to rebuild Libya when this is all over. Libya doesn't even need a budget anymore, they hit the lottery, the US aid lottery.
I'm not even thinking about NPR. To me that is a whole other issue. I don't see it as NPR vs. War. I just look at the amount of money that is being poured into the Middle East conflicts, and what we are getting out of it. I am so sick everyone bitching about cuts in general, not just NPR, and how much money we are just trowing away in foreign aid. It isn't even the cost of the bombs, it is the money that we are going to hand out to rebuild Libya when this is all over. Libya doesn't even need a budget anymore, they hit the lottery, the US aid lottery.
But when it comes to the ME we are there dumping billions if not trillions there to protect our interests. Which of course means oil. If we really want to save money and make this country strong then the instead of dumping all that money into bombs that we use to blow crap up in the ME to support the despot of the day then we should be investing the same billions/trillions into alternative energy research. Project along the line of a Manhattan project of alternative energy sources is what we need to be doing. We are behind even the Chinese in this area and that is really sad.
It looks like the British, the French, and the US bombed the heck out of them. I wonder how long it will be until we give them billions of dollars to fix everything we destroyed?

Hmmm...bombed countries and money...

You know something? Japan is missing a prime opportunity to create a major consultation and rebuilding industry to help the recovery of countries that get clobbered by the UN or other superpower.
Japan has a beautiful resume for it too. They got stampeded into the ocean then blasted off the face of the Earth (twice) at the end of WWII and now, well, try finding anything you own that doesn't say 'made in japan' on it.

Just a thought...
try finding anything you own that doesn't say 'made in japan' on it.
Most of what I own says Made in China. I guess that is why Japan's economy has been in the crapper for more than a decade. But they did get to the top for a while in a remarkable remaking of their country after WW2.
Hmmm...bombed countries and money...

You know something? Japan is missing a prime opportunity to create a major consultation and rebuilding industry to help the recovery of countries that get clobbered by the UN or other superpower.
Japan has a beautiful resume for it too. They got stampeded into the ocean then blasted off the face of the Earth (twice) at the end of WWII and now, well, try finding anything you own that doesn't say 'made in japan' on it.

Just a thought...
I have a bunch of stuff that has China stamped on it.
Good question. Well now that the government saved roughly the cost of 4 cruise missiles by defunding NPR we have loads of money just sitting around.

Well, if we're going to make the financial commitment to launch a bunch of cruise missiles, it's good that they're USA-made by Raytheon. Those missile dollars help employ people here.

Much better than, say, giving the same amount of money to the French to have them use their own cruise missiles.
But when it comes to the ME we are there dumping billions if not trillions there to protect our interests. Which of course means oil. If we really want to save money and make this country strong then the instead of dumping all that money into bombs that we use to blow crap up in the ME to support the despot of the day then we should be investing the same billions/trillions into alternative energy research. Project along the line of a Manhattan project of alternative energy sources is what we need to be doing. We are behind even the Chinese in this area and that is really sad.
My take on the oil is that with all of this unrest in the Middle East, oil is ultimately going to flood the market. That is because there is nothing else for these countries going through all of this upheaval can use to get fast money. Pick any of the countries that have made the news in the last couple of months. Revolution is expensive. The tyrants have left with all the money. The new guys are going to want to get themselves established. How are they going to fund it? I think that the other Middle Eastern nations want us to help control the situation. The more chaos, the more chance that someone is going to start dumping oil on the market for the fast buck. The more money we dump into the situation, the less chance that someone is going to go somewhere else for it. I think that we should just bite the bullet for a couple of months, then let the new fledgling countries sell us oil as fast as we can burn it. That is my thoughts anyway.
Did you ever go shooting at that PLA base outside of Beijing? Great fun, I am not sure it is still there, but you could pay to shoot anything up to their 80mm antitank rockets. They loved having foreigners come through. I had fun shooting the side of a mountain with a 14.5mm antiaircraft gun. But the biggest surprise was a Made in Taiwan M-16. hmmmm wonder how they got that? Lots of other Chinese made hand guns and rifles to play with too. It was a great way to waste an afternoon and a couple of hundred bucks.

It was also a much nicer experience than this place in Tianjin that a vendor wanting some business took us too. There they gave you a .22cal rifle and let a chicken go in this enclosed yard. You shot the chicken and then they cooked up it and made a big deal about how you killed your own food. I opted out, I thought it was pretty stupid.
Did you ever go shooting at that PLA base outside of Beijing? Great fun, I am not sure it is still there, but you could pay to shoot anything up to their 80mm antitank rockets. They loved having foreigners come through. I had fun shooting the side of a mountain with a 14.5mm antiaircraft gun. But the biggest surprise was a Made in Taiwan M-16. hmmmm wonder how they got that? Lots of other Chinese made hand guns and rifles to play with too. It was a great way to waste an afternoon and a couple of hundred bucks.

It was also a much nicer experience than this place in Tianjin that a vendor wanting some business took us too. There they gave you a .22cal rifle and let a chicken go in this enclosed yard. You shot the chicken and then they cooked up it and made a big deal about how you killed your own food. I opted out, I thought it was pretty stupid.

I haven't been to Beijing, but I remember your pictures. Sounds like fun to me.
The media is going to eat this guy up for not filing a flight plan, before getting shot down.

he wasn't shot down. Plane old American Technology failed, Oh Well **** happens.

how much does a cruise missile cost? How many have we shot? Weren't we broke? I wonder where the money came from? China?

So is China really paying us to shoot Libyans?

or have we run ourselves broke being the world police?
How come no one's brought up the idea of selling both sides more weapons? There's good money to be had in "Black Market Cash for Clunker Older Weapons", dont'cha know? ;)