Latin Phrases for Aviation Safety


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
This was "borrowed" from FAAST team member, Mike Montefusco. This is a creative way to help remind pilots about how to be safe by always being aware of the proper procedure when things go pear shaped.
  • ELISAGA...
Every Take Off Is A Rejected Takeoff
Every Landing Is A Go Around
Every Instrument Approach is a Missed Approach​

It doesn't replace any of the other well known and liked methods. But it does make for a fun way to remind pilots at the meeting to engage the synapses and think beyond the current task at hand.
Great that's all I need, more acronyms! Thanks a lot*!

*spoken in the same way that Darin McGavin said when mom dropped the bowling ball in his lap on A Christmas Story.
"Old McDonald's IFR. E-I-A-I-missed.
With a missed approach here and a missed approach there.
Old McDonald's IFR. E-I-E-I-M.
And his teacher fails a mag. E-T-O-I-R.
With a TO abort here and a TO abort there.
Old McDonald had a plane. E-T-O-I-R.
Old McDonald spots a deer. E-L-I-A-G.
With a go around here and a go around there.
Old McDonald spots a deer. E-L-I-A-G."
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This was "borrowed" from FAAST team member, Mike Montefusco. This is a creative way to help remind pilots about how to be safe by always being aware of the proper procedure when things go pear shaped.
  • ELISAGA...
Every Take Off Is A Rejected Takeoff
Every Landing Is A Go Around
Every Instrument Approach is a Missed Approach​

It doesn't replace any of the other well known and liked methods. But it does make for a fun way to remind pilots at the meeting to engage the synapses and think beyond the current task at hand.

Linguistically, sounds a lot more like Ancient Greek than Latin... but why is either helpful? Completely forgettable collections of letters...

O sed villi, si emgo,
Fortibuses in aro,
O no villi deis trux,
Vot es enim? Caus an dux
Gotta love acronyms. Need more of them. More more more!
Reminds me of Chief Wiggum's famous instructions in form of: PB&J ABC 4xA :D
For you old timers, who remember all the way back to the early '70s.
"Take this plane to Cuba!"