ladies and gentlemen, I bring you....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
as requested, the eman1200 Instructional Video series. quite possibly the most influential and accurate aviation training videos known to man. now send money.

I have more but they need to be edited, unlike this gem which was spot on right out of the box.
Awesome video! Thanks!

I sent the money three weeks ago. Surely you received it?

Packed with quality information and very informative!
The next video will probably be "how to fly with slaw."

Awesome video! Thanks!

I sent the money three weeks ago. Surely you received it?


uh, I must not have gotten it because of the 'database error'. dang it!
What happened to Videos #1 & #2??? I hate joining a show already in progress, and would certainly expect reduced tuition when the class has already started . . .
Who the hell taught you how to buckle your belt. You totally used the wrong hand, and that is VFR weather and your F'n head was in your crotch. What if a bird was flying around, hell what if a damn drone was flying around!! you would have hit it for sure. I'm reporting this to the FAA.
What happened to Videos #1 & #2??? I hate joining a show already in progress, and would certainly expect reduced tuition when the class has already started . . .

think of it like star wars, I'm mixin the sht up.
What happened to Videos #1 & #2??? I hate joining a show already in progress, and would certainly expect reduced tuition when the class has already started . . .

The first two videos were probably found to be unsuitable for Youtube and removed.

You need practice, it took you two tries to get it latched :) :)

my big fat gut got in the way. oh, that and that's literally the 2nd time I've ever worn the stupid thing. it's much more 'comfortable' in the lance than it is in the warrior.
I'm just glad to see that I'm not the only one whose Lance has a bouncing fuel pressure needle!
as requested, the eman1200 Instructional Video series. quite possibly the most influential and accurate aviation training videos known to man. now send money.

I have more but they need to be edited, unlike this gem which was spot on right out of the box.

No better than the other ones you were complaining about! :lol:
Well, at least you had the radio on. So there is something going for this.
What happened to Videos #1 & #2??? I hate joining a show already in progress, and would certainly expect reduced tuition when the class has already started . . .

Rumor on the interwebs is that both 1 and 2 were the same, but the fact that he wasn't wearing pants was distracting. So he had to redo it.
Where are the Patreon and GoFundMe sites I can't throw my money at this fast enough.
Dang, that is killer! I'm going to send the link out to my 35,000+ pilot database!

Open a GoFundMe account and the money will start rolling in. You can buy new clothes and cool new gear!
How much for the entire series of instructional videos? Any discount for POA members?
Will you take requests for future instructional videos? I would love to see a demo on how to adjust the seat. Last time I tried doing this in flight I grabbed the yoke to pull myself forward, and for some reason the plane stalled. I must be doing something wrong. :rofl:
Requests may be carried out in order of the highest donator to lowest, or whichever would be most fun for me to make.

Lol just kidding.


you asked for trouble. You might be receiving it soon. Up Next from eman1200, "Slaw Crotch!" in full 1080p HD.

Shoot, he will probably video it in 4k for the extra vibrant colors. LOL

Going to put King Schools out of business!
Going to put King Schools out of business!