just back from Sun N Fun

Brad W

Pattern Altitude
PoA Supporter
Nov 19, 2019
NE Florida
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Just back home from sun n fun. Checked my notes, this was my 16th. (I'd rather go to Airventure, but I live in FL)

This year I drove in my class C motorhome, arriving Wed after the airshow. A couple days just roaming, primary focus was a hope to narrow down a short list of kits as a potential retirement project, but many of the ones I wanted to see were not there. Even still, I stayed more days there than I normally do.

I spent a lot of time in the Sling booth on Friday. They had a TSi there, and the high wing. I spent a lot of time with the HW. It's Linda Sollars', and I enjoyed a long and interesting conversation with her. An interesting and very dynamic lady who I enjoyed meeting.

I also enjoyed conversations with several of the military aircrew, and enjoyed saying hi to several of the youtuber's I enjoy watching.

On Friday evening my son joined me from college, and we had a couple of good days together....We were late getting over for the STOL event so missed that, but Saturday reminded me about why I have avoided attending on weekend days for years now......CROWDS. Still, we enjoyed the night airshow, day airshow, some epic thumpings from the Navy's Rhino demo team, the Thunderbirds, and an AF F-35, a little paraglider demo over at the ultralight stip. Sitting on the KC-135 main gear tires, and watching some of the night airshow including what turned out to be Manfred Radius' last show (or so they said), with my son was a particularly good memory for me.

He and I took one more lap around this morning, and it was really sad how many vendors were packing up or already gone. We wandered over to the workshop area this morning, thinking we might try our hand at a little welding...it was on the schedule... but nope. The only workshop still going was polyfiber. I would have liked to have tried that but that looks to be more of a time commitment and we were very late for the start anyway. All the welding was packed up and gone, metal forming was packed up and gone, and woodworking...gone too. They should sell Sunday tickets at half price! It made me think back to many years ago when, if my memory serves correctly, it spanned from Saturday through the week to Sunday...so two weekends book-ended the event. That last weekend seemed to be always pretty dead.
Thanks for the report.
I think the Sling HW is the best value new plane on the market today. The only thing I would change is to be able to open the pilot's window for aerial photography.
They gave residents free entry today with a Saturday pass. They usually crack down on vendors packing up before 3, but this year was really bad. It was a ghost town by noon.
We had a great time this year. We camped in an RV for the first time in order to hang with our team of volunteers. I put the camper there on Apr 4th (between Paradise City and the NOAA hangar and right next to Camp Bushwheel) and we left today around 12:30. This was a pretty expensive year as I bought a replacement bore scope and an aircraft tug, plus the usual odds and ends line oil, filters, etc.

Now time to plan for Osh.
Did the show Wednesday and Friday drove in .prices are increasing .paying $20 to park and $4 for a bottle of water doesn’t sit well with me. At least at Osh they have water stations to refill your water bottles to stay hydrated. Planning for Osh this year.
Did the show Wednesday and Friday drove in .prices are increasing .paying $20 to park and $4 for a bottle of water doesn’t sit well with me. At least at Osh they have water stations to refill your water bottles to stay hydrated. Planning for Osh this year.

I was there Wed and Fri. Met up with Salty and some folks from the Beech Aero Club on Wed, and really enjoyed seeing Salty’s Nanchang. Looks like a really fun toy. Also got me shopping done on Wed, which included picking up a Vividia borescope on sale at a $50 discount.

Friday afternoon SWMBO joined me and we spent a while wandering through vintage and ogling cool old planes. Then we made out way over to the warbirds and watched some of the air show. That evening the Beech Aero Club had a dinner social (catered by Hooters) in the type club tent.

BTW, you can get parking passes online for $10 plus a $0.50 “convenience” fee.

Emphatically agree about water stations.
yeah, we were looking for water refills too! I went looking where I remember them being years ago and they were gone. I reckon maybe taken out for covid. Found a hose bib near the FAA building, and later found one jury rig attached to a tree, I think it was near the walkway in from the main gate, about where that creek crosses. It was a short potable garden hose from a spigot, connected to one of those small RV water filters and then to a secondary spigot nailed to the tree. Janky but it worked! Saved a couple bucks there to offset the big bucks I paid for camping and admission for the week...and that beer I bought that cost as much as a case of good stuff!
Thanks for the report. I think the Sling HW is the best value new plane on the market today. The only thing I would change is to be able to open the pilot's window for aerial photography.
I said the same thing about the windows!...well actually both sides. For me it's not so much for photography though, mostly about ventilation. I said to one of the Sling guys that those windows have got to open....and he looked a little surprised. Not sure who he was and if he's in any sort of position with the company or not. They seemed to have some customers manning the booth. Anyway, I pretty much made it clear that if I ever build one those windows will open. One guy that I'm pretty sure was a customer/owner manning the booth tried to suggest a hatch like you'd see in pipers, mooneys and the like. Nope, that don't cut it for me.
Thanks for the report.
I think the Sling HW is the best value new plane on the market today. The only thing I would change is to be able to open the pilot's window for aerial photography.

If you’re interested in the Sling, tag up with @Cluemeister . He built one a couple of years ago.
My first SnF, the wife and I were there Friday and Saturday.
The Saturday night airshow was quite impressive. Best we'd ever seen.
Talked with most of the LSA manufacturers and looked at a few kits.
Don't know if I'll ever be able to afford something new but it's nice to see what I might get used in a few years.
Saw a few youtubers I'm subscribed too, bought a Bruce's travel cover and got some free swag.
Basically, a primer for our first AirVenture trip this summer.
Airplane camping seemed to be way down from last year.

Maybe Eclipse/WX/Master's combo.
Airplane camping seemed to be way down from last year.

Maybe Eclipse/WX/Master's combo.
I was wondering about that. They had campers (the on-road type) parked out on the West end where they used to have aircraft camping. I couldn't get a feel for aircraft numbers compared to previous years but it seemed light.

Meanwhile the RV campground was pretty much packed (on road trailers and motorhomes). Honestly, I think that had something to do with them having painted lines to mark site boundaries this year, which were in some cases much larger than they need to be. In years past it has been a free-for-all mess....but that mess allowed for packing more campers in too.

While wandering through the area looking to see what was there on the way back from the ultralight area and commented to my son that while I have dreamed for a long time about someday flying my own airplane into sun n fun or to aiventure and camping...but now I'm not so sure I want to. Could be stuck way out in an exposed and not so nice field, a good long hike from the facilities, no shade, and in many cases nobody else around
I usually pitch a tent on Wednesday night and stay for the airshow. But with my plane on the line I couldn't camp next to it, and the only place they would let me pitch the tent was way back in the woods south of the campers that were south of bush wheel. No thanks.
He and I took one more lap around this morning, and it was really sad how many vendors were packing up or already gone. We wandered over to the workshop area this morning, thinking we might try our hand at a little welding...it was on the schedule... but nope. The only workshop still going was polyfiber. I would have liked to have tried that but that looks to be more of a time commitment and we were very late for the start anyway. All the welding was packed up and gone, metal forming was packed up and gone, and woodworking...gone too. They should sell Sunday tickets at half price! It made me think back to many years ago when, if my memory serves correctly, it spanned from Saturday through the week to Sunday...so two weekends book-ended the event. That last weekend seemed to be always pretty dead.
Be sure to fill out the survey when they send it out. EAA has asked me several times to work SNF, but I've never been able to do it. They would not allow vendors to pack up early at Oshkosh, why allow it at SNF? I know it's not as big of an event, but it should be held to the same standards.
It’s all about the money,the vendors consider Sunday as a lost day,so why not leave early.
That guyat Lakeland (who claims he “got an email”) obviously didn’t read the NOTAM, because the effective dates are right at the top, and it also says that ATC will instruct as to which runway and which dot to land on. He needs some time with a CFI who’s been to SnF or OSH; if he does that right quick on his own it’ll probably keep him from a 709.
That guyat Lakeland (who claims he “got an email”) obviously didn’t read the NOTAM, because the effective dates are right at the top, and it also says that ATC will instruct as to which runway and which dot to land on. He needs some time with a CFI who’s been to SnF or OSH; if he does that right quick on his own it’ll probably keep him from a 709.
True, on the other hand they have the wrong frequency on the NOTAM for the warbird arrival and it's been wrong for years apparently. My theory is that people were flying the arrival in non-warbirds, so now it's a "if you have to ask, you don't need to know the real frequency" kind of thing. However, I feel they should leave it off completely rather than publishing incorrect information.
That guyat Lakeland (who claims he “got an email”) obviously didn’t read the NOTAM, because the effective dates are right at the top, and it also says that ATC will instruct as to which runway and which dot to land on. He needs some time with a CFI who’s been to SnF or OSH; if he does that right quick on his own it’ll probably keep him from a 709.
Yeah there's a freq list to follow starting with ATIS then the remote tower at Lake Parker then N Arrivals. And enough Youtube videos to self-educate.

Monday arrival was easy, no hold, no wait.
Yeah there's a freq list to follow starting with ATIS then the remote tower at Lake Parker then N Arrivals. And enough Youtube videos to self-educate.

Monday arrival was easy, no hold, no wait.
I flew in with a friend on Wednesday. Easy arrival, as was departure.
This was a freaking awesome Trip!
I got so many photos and videos, I don't even know where to start.

The turnout at the Gold Seal booth was awesome and I am very proud I got to be a part of it!
I will go back every year. What a great time!

ALSO My first time meeting @write-stuff in person. After 10 years on POA, you can forget that you haven't met someone in real life.
My best buy of the week was on Sunday. Many vendors will sharply discount stuff on Sunday so they don’t have to pack it back up and take it home.
My best buy of the week was on Sunday. Many vendors will sharply discount stuff on Sunday so they don’t have to pack it back up and take it home.
I was hoping to do that with a new Best Tug but alas it was not to be --they did give me some credit towards shipping plus some other discounts so it all worked out in the end.
You got some nice pics there. This one especially hits home to me.

As I mentioned, My son joined me for a couple of days there from college, so it was some really great father & son time.... for me anyway. I hope it was half as meaningful to him as it was for me.

Anyway, my wife... who has very little interest or patience for joining me at things like this....really has a thing for fireworks shows.
So I was trying to capture a good shot of the Saturday night airshow to send back to her to document the great father and son experience (and maybe to instill a little jealousy and maybe remorse for missing a great fireworks show:cool:).​

I tried and tried to get a selfie with the drones and the aircraft and the aerial fireworks and the ground pyro
but every stinkin' time I tried my timing was off and I never really caught a nice picture.... it became something of a laugh between us how bad I was at it.

Anyway, it was a really great night show, maybe the best pyro show I've seen...and probably to me IMO even better than the Superbowl show in Jacksonville a bunch of years ago that seemed like 20-30 minutes of non-stop grand finale from multiple launch points.
Flew in Friday for the day, meet with the vendors I wanted to....scooted out right after the air show
This was a freaking awesome Trip!
I got so many photos and videos, I don't even know where to start.

The turnout at the Gold Seal booth was awesome and I am very proud I got to be a part of it!
I will go back every year. What a great time!

ALSO My first time meeting @write-stuff in person. After 10 years on POA, you can forget that you haven't met someone in real life.

Wish I'd known you were coming; it would have been nice to see you again! Glad you had a good time. Next year!
Drove in on Saturday. It was as crowded as I have ever seen it, but traffic control was greatly improved. Last year I waited over an hour to get parked. This year was more like 10-15 minutes.

I thought Tora Tora Tora would be silly, but it turned out to be cool.
Im sure I am in a minority but I dont really enjoy the air shows. I like going and talking to the vendors and people I only know from online. The air shows just give me more time to walk around and visit the vendors without crowds.
Im sure I am in a minority but I dont really enjoy the air shows. I like going and talking to the vendors and people I only know from online. The air shows just give me more time to walk around and visit the vendors without crowds.
Probably more common than you think w/ respect to pilots.
I think a lot of local aviation enthusiasts come for the airshows but I think to most pilots if you've see one, you have kind of seen em all.
The night show this year was an exception. That one was insane.
Im sure I am in a minority but I dont really enjoy the air shows. I like going and talking to the vendors and people I only know from online. The air shows just give me more time to walk around and visit the vendors without crowds.
Same here. For SnF and Osh, I really only take the time to watch if there's something unique that I have never seen or haven't seen recently (like the Martin Mars a few years ago at Osh). Otherwise, my attention is on forums, vendors, and looking up close at airplanes. The social aspect has now has now become my primary impetus for attending both events.
Same here. For SnF and Osh, I really only take the time to watch if there's something unique that I have never seen or haven't seen recently (like the Martin Mars a few years ago at Osh). Otherwise, my attention is on forums, vendors, and looking up close at airplanes. The social aspect has now has now become my primary impetus for attending both events.

Whomever said "Osh is a family reunion" was correct. After the 3rd or 4th time going, that is 90% of it.
agreed about the airshow. I do enjoy watching parts of it.... Hard not to like a fast mover coming overhead low in afterburner...or other interesting/different acts. I'll sometimes head back to my motorhome in the campground and enjoy the thunderbirds (or blues) from a perspective other than near show-center.
and totally agree with 6PC about the night airshow this year. I watched the Wed night one from the roof of my camper...but the Saturday one from the warbirds area. Couldn't see much Wednesday, but Saturday was really great....made even better because my son had joined me from college.... watched part of it while sitting on the main gear tires of the KC-145. A great mix of elegant with Manfred Radius and others.... and the noise and action with the pyro and fireworks...mixed with the drones