It is so cold....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
In honor of Denton nearly achieving sub zero temps in the next batch of days, take your best shot at,

It was so cold....​

Bonuses awarded for aviation related and originality....
It was so cold that when I got a cup of hot coffee from the FBO, before I got to the plane it was warm ice. o_O
I couldn't help but notice an exhibitionist on the corner, and it's so cold, he was flashing a drawing of himself.
Back when I was living in Fairbanks, the temps hit the -50s for a week. (not wind chill) So I decided to try an experiment to see if it was true that it freezes before hitting the ground.

I am here to tell you that after digging through several layers of insulated clothing, and as soon as the cold air hit little Zeldman, he did his best turtle imitation thereby causing me to cancel the experiment....
28 degrees and clear.. snow forecasted.(wed)
It is so cold elsewhere ......that I feel sympathy for those folks.
(it was 80F where I was working this evening)
It was -27F at my home airport this morning. I know because that's where my office is also located, and I was stupid enough to actually go in to work.

On the theme of this thread:
It's so cold words are freezing as soon as they're spoken. It's going to get real loud around here in the spring.
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We spent all last week in Panama City Beach. It was not fantastic weather for part of the week, but I got a little bit of a tan.

Waco TX yesterday was spectacular.

Now we’re in Joplin MO overnight (cold) and headed back to Omaha in the morning (cold as hell). So forgive me if I greet news of cold temperatures in TX with a shrug. We’ve discussed moving to TX post retirement, but if we do it definitely won’t be as far north as the DFW area.
Backstory: my office is out in my machine shed, and there's no bathroom, except for the "big outhouse". I was just explaining to my wife that when it's this cold, when i pee on the driveway, it freezes before it can run down into the rocks (probably because the rocks themselves are so cold), and it makes a little urine skating rink. She did not think this was as amusing as I do. I didn't bother to tell her that I like to see how big I can make it before it warms up.

In the spirit of the thread (itsott):

It was so cold I saw Jerry Wagner make an altimeter correction

It was so cold they were selling jet-a by the bushel.
Anything under 50 F is arctic weather to me.
This is nothing...back before indoor plumbing, it got so cold jones winter that if you were constipated, you had to be buried in a seated position.

(Always remember, the best jokes are poop jokes. My middle daughter disagrees, but she will admit they’re a solid number two.)
-32C here this morning (-26F). Walked over to the coffee shop/bakery, three blocks away.
Minimal wind. Much colder and the smoke will start freezing in the woodstove chimney and one has to get up on the roof with a big stick and punch it out of there...
Its so cold, the AWOS went inside to get warm.
I remember a Dirty Job's episode where Mike Rowe went to Alaska. For this segment, he was helping to feed the sled dogs, using a "meat stew" for hydration, and frozen meat as the main food/protein.

His comment when he went into the meat freezer was how warm it was inside.
I remember my first winter in Northern MN when I moved up here from MI. Was a nice -39 F on New Years Day. Anti-freeze in the car was more water than coolant/AF - which was fine for southern Michigan winters.

Stuff froze. Hole in the radiator. Excellent start to the year.

Sent from my SM-T510 using Tapatalk
I remember a business trip to Eau Claire, WI in Feb a long time ago. High temps for the 3-4 days I was there were -23F.

I decided I would never complain about being cold again. I got back to KC, shoveled my driveway, then sat on the front steps with a beer that ended up turning to slush before I could finish it.
Sounds like you have spent time in Houston in August

I'll take the cold over that every time.
Years ago I flew into Houston in August for a job interview. 105 deg F. I rented a car with a light platinum metallic paint color. Almost burned my hand closing the trunk lid.

Later I moved to the Persian Gulf for 8 years. Made Houston seem bearable.
While living there I ordered a Toyota Land Cruiser. All white. Including the door handles.
Sounds like you have spent time in Houston in August
Come to MN sometime when it’s 40’s a dry cold,” was my reply to the folks in Phoenix when they said, “it’s 110 degrees, but it’s a dry heat so it’s not bad.” I got some pretty strange looks. o_O
We got some more snow here in Long Island. I feel like I’m in Minnesota. Should see the ground by June at this point!
Come to MN sometime when it’s 40’s a dry cold,” was my reply to the folks in Phoenix when they said, “it’s 110 degrees, but it’s a dry heat so it’s not bad.” I got some pretty strange looks. o_O

When folks in Phoenix tell me that it is dry heat, I tell them, ''Yeah, so when I burst into flames they will be dry flames....''
In the 1980s we had a truck from Texas bring us a load of stuff. South-central BC, Canada. In December. The Texan trucker was wearing polyester dress pants. Remember those? Hot in the summer, seemed like they weren't even there in a cold wind. It was -25 or -30 at the time. We got the stuff off the truck and he was headed to a hotel for the night before going back to Texas. I asked him if his antifreeze was good for -40. He laughed. No such temperature, he said. I told him to let the truck idle all night. Laughed at that, too, he did.

Next morning he called from the hotel. Did we have jumper cables so we could give his truck a boost? Yeah, right. My pickup boosting a 24-volt system in a Cat-powered Peterbilt. Told him to call the truck shops. One of them came and found that his antifreeze and diesel fuel were both solid. They able to tow his rig up to their shop and put it inside for a couple of days to thaw everything out. He had last fuelled up in coastal Washington state, a place where winter diesel, with much less paraffin in it, isn't necessary. The fuel had gelled in his tanks.

He said, "I ain't never coming back here again." He didn't, either.