iPhone 5

What I'd like now is a 10" tablet that I could also use to make phone calls on. I'd stand in line a few days to buy that.

That'd be kind of awkward to hold up to your ear, wouldn't it? I'm envisioning an iPad with phone capability as the "iPhone Mega." :rofl:
That'd be kind of awkward to hold up to your ear, wouldn't it? I'm envisioning an iPad with phone capability as the "iPhone Mega." :rofl:

nah, the speakerphone on the iphone works great. And I surf a lot more than I talk, so I'd love an ipad w/ phone capability. I just don't understand why they don't include that feature. It would cost almost nothing.

The only reason I went with the non-iphone (Galaxy Note) was because it's the phone w/ the largest screen size that I could find around here. And was FAST w/ 4G. I use it for surfing while at work and killing time while my son is at football practice 3 nights a week.

My daughter mentioned today that she wants the iphone5, and she's eligible for an upgrade, so I'll probably get her one for Christmas.

I've never understood people trash-talking one phone or the other....for what we use ours for, regardless of brand, they all work great.
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You can use Skype on the iPad if you really want to. Just get a set of earbuds with a mike.

I use it on my iPhone when calling back to the USA from overseas. Works with about 90% reliability via wifi.

Personally I haven't had a problem with Maps on iOS6. It's worked just as well as Google did for everything I've need searched for. I suspect many of these "complaints" will vanish and people will soon forget -- just like all the "antenna problems" on the iPhone 4.

I think all fanboys are annoying and there are plenty of them on both sides.
Wondering how long before ForeFlight releases a non-letterboxed version of ForeFlight for the iPhone5? They are usually ahead of the curve. I admit to being surprised that it's not out yet!
How to mess with those folks that camp outside the store to be first in line for their iDevice:

The Galaxy S3 is the best phone in the world. Period.

For Jay Honeck.

I personally don't care if the biggest, most powerful corporation in the world thinks that the tenth biggest (or whatever Samsung is) ripped off their technology five years ago -- which is what that suit was all about.

You know, having been involved in these silly Apple vs. the world arguments since the times when everyone said Apple was dead, it really gives me warm fuzzies to hear them called the biggest, most powerful corporation in the world. Thanks. :D

A. If Apple was so miffed with them, why is Samsung still a primary Apple contractor?

Apple buys something like 1/4 to 1/3 of all the flash memory produced in the entire world. Samsung makes a large portion of the flash memory produced in the entire world. If Apple simply stopped buying from Samsung, their prices would likely rise from straining the supply chain. Not smart business.

B. Five year old technology in phones is like 50 year old technology in cars. Whatever Samsung learned in '07 is surely irrelevant now.

Not really. Look at what a smartphone looked like on January 8th, 2007: (For reference, I grabbed these from the Engadget "Best smartphone of 2006" poll held in April of 2007.)




On January 9th, 2007, Steve Jobs stood on a stage and showed us the future of smartphones - A design completely unlike any before it. And now, here's what smartphones look like:


Also, smartphone adoption has increased by more than an order of magnitude since the iPhone was released. Nope, the iPhone's 2007 design isn't relevant at all today. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, all of your pix appear as broken links, for me.

Look, I'm not saying that Apple wasn't an important player in smartphones -- they were, and still are. What I AM saying is that the hoopla from the Apple fanbase over the iPhone5 was clearly not warranted.

Face it, the 4" screen on the iPhone5 is a less-than-stellar entry into a market that considers a 4.3" screen to be "small". And it's an odd sized screen, at that, which means that HD video has black lines on the sides of the picture. What were they thinking?

Worse, the feature set on the iPhone5 is unexciting. My gosh, you STILL can't send a Word document as an email attachment from an iPhone. Um, that's shameful. And customization? Fuhgetaboutit. It's Apple's way, or the highway.

Whose phone is it, anyway?

Further -- and pointedly -- given the same evidence, APPLE LOST THE SAME LAWSUIT in other countries. Sadly, here in the "Litigious States of America", winning a lawsuit is no longer meaningful in relation to the Truth. Just ask O.J. :rolleyes: And the appeals will keep the lawyers busy -- and wealthy -- for years.

Look, it's not that I don't want Apple to win this battle -- I do! We, in America, need to retain our technological preeminence, and Apple has been our leading warrior in this battle. Unfortunately, when Apple's latest-greatest smartphone is beaten handily by a Samsung phone that was introduced over six months ago, it's a time to mourn, not gloat.

In the end, watching millions of people standing in line for the iPhone was pathetic and more than just a little creepy. Blindly defending the product (despite its obvious deficiencies versus the competition) simply glosses over our disappointment and will not help Apple win the war. Just the opposite is true, in fact: Apple needs to hear, loud and clear, that we expected more from them.
I have a 32" flatscreen that spends most of its time in the travel trailer but am now converting to a lap-top. The only problem so far is that none of the carrying cases are quite big enough.
That'd be kind of awkward to hold up to your ear, wouldn't it? I'm envisioning an iPad with phone capability as the "iPhone Mega." :rofl:
Saliva tests should be mandatory.

WAIT! I just figured it out. Honeck is the only guy on the board that wants his tablet screen and his smartphone screen to be the same size! (palm slap) How could we have missed it?

Personally I haven't had a problem with Maps on iOS6. It's worked just as well as Google did for everything I've need searched for. I suspect many of these "complaints" will vanish and people will soon forget -- just like all the "antenna problems" on the iPhone 4.

I think all fanboys are annoying and there are plenty of them on both sides.
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WAIT! I just figured it out. Honeck is the only guy on the board that wants his tablet screen and his smartphone screen to be the same size! (palm slap) How could we have missed it?

Actually, no. The Nexus 7, as much as I love it's 7" size, would make a pretty awkward phone. As a tablet, though, it's the perfect form.

The Samsung S3's 4.8" screen is about as big as I would want to go. It fits into my cargo shorts' cell phone pocket perfectly. And, wow, it's really nice for viewing video, photos, and sectional charts. Not as good as the N7, but certainly better than my old Droid2's 3.7" screen!
We dummies stand in line to buy 30+ year old airplanes too. Haha.

Everyone has their vices. ;)
We dummies stand in line to buy 30+ year old airplanes too. Haha.

Everyone has their vices. ;)

No, now too many of us stand in line trying to SELL our old airplanes... :(

I've got a buddy who finally gave up trying to sell his, and just did a fairly complicated swap for cars instead. THAT'S how bad the market is.
And after all that Samsung bashing....Apple is now being sued for stealing Samsung's LTE patents in the iPhone5... :rolleyes:


Sent from my Nexus 7

I'm not "bashing" anyone, I'm just observing reality. Didn't I mention that I own a Samsung phone?

The patent ruling against Samsung was huge, and their previous suits against Apple have not succeeded. They have a lot to lose if injunctions are granted and if the ruling against them is upheld, and not a lot to lose by filing additional frivolous lawsuits against Apple. If they were smart, they'd walk away and come up with the next killer product. The fact that they continue to bicker in the courts tells me that they're out of ideas. Again, pathetic. All of these guys (Nokia, RIM, etc.) were market leaders and they got beaten by a company with ZERO experience in cellular phones. It is what it is, folks.

If they were smart, they'd walk away and come up with the next killer product.

Um, Samsung currently has the pre-eminent "killer" product in the smartphone market -- the S3 -- and they're already about to introduce a follow on to THAT product. That's my point.

Whatever tech they stole from Apple in 2007, it's clear that Samsung has surpassed anything Apple has made in 2012 -- and their lead is widening. Apple is going to have to work hard to regain their momentum in the market, or their future will track with Blackberry.

Which, BTW, is good for all of us. An intensely competitive market will benefit ALL smartphone users, iOS and Android.
Um, Samsung currently has the pre-eminent "killer" product in the smartphone market -- the S3 -- and they're already about to introduce a follow on to THAT product. That's my point.

Whatever tech they stole from Apple in 2007, it's clear that Samsung has surpassed anything Apple has made in 2012 -- and their lead is widening. Apple is going to have to work hard to regain their momentum in the market, or their future will track with Blackberry.

Which, BTW, is good for all of us. An intensely competitive market will benefit ALL smartphone users, iOS and Android.
If I were to bet money on it -- I'd be betting that the iPhone 5 outsells the S3 significantly by end of year.
If I were to bet money on it -- I'd be betting that the iPhone 5 outsells the S3 significantly by end of year.

That would be an interesting bet. According to CNET, the S3 is slated to sell 30 million copies by year's end. It sold 20 million in 100 days.

Not sure what the iPhone5 has sold, but I heard 5 million being tossed about this week. I wouldn't bet against Apple, though -- their sales figures continue to astound.
That would be an interesting bet. According to CNET, the S3 is slated to sell 30 million copies by year's end. It sold 20 million in 100 days.

Not sure what the iPhone5 has sold, but I heard 5 million being tossed about this week. I wouldn't bet against Apple, though -- their sales figures continue to astound.

I believe the 5 million was the figure for the first weekend or week, before the end of Apple's fiscal quarter. Latest analyst estimate I heard for iPhone 5 was 49 million by year end.
Unfortunately, all of your pix appear as broken links, for me.

Odd. It looks like all the attachments got stripped from the post. Jesse? :dunno:

What I AM saying is that the hoopla from the Apple fanbase over the iPhone5 was clearly not warranted.

Was there really that much hoopla? :dunno: Sure, there's plenty of breathless bloggers who were spewing rumors and then comparing the iPhone 5 to what they spewed, but whoopee. Maybe I'm just a cynical old fanboy, but I didn't think it was hyped that much.

Face it, the 4" screen on the iPhone5 is a less-than-stellar entry into a market that considers a 4.3" screen to be "small". And it's an odd sized screen, at that, which means that HD video has black lines on the sides of the picture. What were they thinking?

What are you talking about? HD video has an aspect ratio of 16x9, and the iPhone 5's aspect ratio is... Wait for it... 16x9. They *eliminated* the black lines.

The 4" screen is also designed to still be usable with one hand, ie the average person's thumb can reach the opposite corners. As someone who frequently uses my phone one-handed, I appreciate that. (Note that I did not and will not be buying an iPhone 5, though.)

Also, I don't know why you say "the market considers" a 4.3" screen to be small. Apple has been the top-selling smartphone for quite a while with their smaller screen size, so clearly "the market" doesn't think it's too small.
You gotta remember that Jay's big-screen in his family room is a 19".
So, three pages of iPhone 5 talk so far. Anybody get one yet?
I have one and I am very impressed. The 4Glte speed alone makes it worth it - BLAZING fast!

The larger screen is also nice. When all of my apps get updated for that bigger screen it will be even better.
I have one and I am very impressed. The 4Glte speed alone makes it worth it - BLAZING fast!

The larger screen is also nice. When all of my apps get updated for that bigger screen it will be even better.

How is it compared to the 4G? Size, weight, quality of build, durability...
How is it compared to the 4G? Size, weight, quality of build, durability...

I don't have one but Pete does... When I picked it up, I was really surprised at how light it was. But, since the glass back is now aluminum, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised!

It's still the nice solid construction you're used to, no plastic at all.
I don't have one but Pete does... When I picked it up, I was really surprised at how light it was. But, since the glass back is now aluminum, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised!

It's still the nice solid construction you're used to, no plastic at all.

Funny story: Someone in the Android world has made an aluminum-backed case for the Samsung Galaxy S3. The Android forums are full of folks who have discovered that it is killing their WiFi reception, and renders NFC -- one of the biggest advantages of the S3 over the i5 -- unusable.... :rolleyes: :D

Sent from my Nexus 7
I believe the 5 million was the figure for the first weekend or week, before the end of Apple's fiscal quarter. Latest analyst estimate I heard for iPhone 5 was 49 million by year end.
You are hearing correctly. What you may or may not have heard is that Samsung is planning a Galaxy S3-mini with an iPhone 5 sized display.
You are hearing correctly. What you may or may not have heard is that Samsung is planning a Galaxy S3-mini with an iPhone 5 sized display.

Calling the 4" display "mini" is a backhand to the i5...

Sent from my Nexus 7
Calling the 4" display "mini" is a backhand to the i5...

Sent from my Nexus 7
Perhaps. But one thing is sure. Samsung sees a significant value in creating such a model. They see a market that is bot buying their fullsize S3 and instead wish to try an scavenge some of the iPhone market. To me that is saying that Apple had it right to begin with and now Samsung has to play catch up.
Hey, slight segue here, guys -- and a little help needed. I've got a guest in-house tonight with an iPhone 4S that absolutely will not connect to our hotel wifi.

I've been working with wifi connectivity since 2002, and have never been stumped yet -- but this one has me completely baffled. His phone "sees" the network, but when we enter our password it returns an error message: "Incorrect password".

I *know* our password is correct, obviously, and we've got probably 30 devices attached to the wifi right now (including this PC), so I know it's not our system. What could cause this?

As a test, I set up my Samsung S3 as a hot-spot, just to see if he could connect to ANY wifi. It connected right up. Of course, there was no password to enter to gain access to my hotspot, so maybe that's the problem?

I have no freaking clue. Being an Apple product, there is nothing user configurable that I could find in the phone. I couldn't even make it "forget" my wifi network and start over -- there appears to be no settings for that, either.

Help! Any ideas?
Hey, slight segue here, guys -- and a little help needed. I've got a guest in-house tonight with an iPhone 4S that absolutely will not connect to our hotel wifi.

I've been working with wifi connectivity since 2002, and have never been stumped yet -- but this one has me completely baffled. His phone "sees" the network, but when we enter our password it returns an error message: "Incorrect password".

I *know* our password is correct, obviously, and we've got probably 30 devices attached to the wifi right now (including this PC), so I know it's not our system. What could cause this?

As a test, I set up my Samsung S3 as a hot-spot, just to see if he could connect to ANY wifi. It connected right up. Of course, there was no password to enter to gain access to my hotspot, so maybe that's the problem?

I have no freaking clue. Being an Apple product, there is nothing user configurable that I could find in the phone. I couldn't even make it "forget" my wifi network and start over -- there appears to be no settings for that, either.

Help! Any ideas?
You can make it forget the network by tapping the blue right-facing arrow next to the network name then "forget this network". At least that's how it is on an iPhone 4 (no S).
Check the first letter of the password. It is case sensitive. The iPhone will capitalize the first letter. It may be as simple as turning caps off.
You can make it forget the network by tapping the blue right-facing arrow next to the network name then "forget this network". At least that's how it is on an iPhone 4 (no S).

Neither of us could accurately tap that itty-bitty right arrow on that itty-bitty screen. I presumed that was what it did, but just could not make it go.

I have to say, that phone has the worst touch screen I've ever used. I fruitlessly entered our password probably a dozen times, and it had me cursing the whole time.

He eventually gave up, and just used his iPad. That worked fine.

Sent from my Nexus 7
Check the first letter of the password. It is case sensitive. The iPhone will capitalize the first letter. It may be as simple as turning caps off.

Is there no way to "make the password visible" in the iPhone? One of our biggest problems was that neither of us could see what was being typed, because it would only display one entry at a time.

And the password entry keyboard remained stubbornly locked in portrait mode, no matter what we tried. I eventually took my glasses off, set the thing on my desk, got my face down within 6" of the desktop, and VERY carefully typed each letter with the very tip of my pinky finger -- the only finger small enough to work accurately.

No dice. He eventually just used his iPad.

Sent from my Nexus 7
One of our biggest problems was that neither of us could see what was being typed, because it would only display one entry at a time.
You can see what the letter or number is while it is being typed.
You can see what the letter or number is while it is being typed.

Yup, if you're lucky enough to hit the right eensy-weensy button, it shows it. Unfortunately, each letter is extremely small, and we had a really hard time distinguishing an "a" from an "e".

I'm sure we got it right, in the end -- but it just kept saying "incorrect password". Apple needs to add the choice "Show the password" on that screen. It sure makes password entry simpler, especially for middle-aged eyes.

Sent from my Nexus 7
Yup, if you're lucky enough to hit the right eensy-weensy button, it shows it. Unfortunately, each letter is extremely small, and we had a really hard time distinguishing an "a" from an "e".

I'm sure we got it right, in the end -- but it just kept saying "incorrect password". Apple needs to add the choice "Show the password" on that screen. It sure makes password entry simpler, especially for middle-aged eyes.
I'm just as middle-aged as you are. :D