iPhone 14 Satellite SOS vs PLB?


Final Approach
Jan 1, 2015
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Apple the new iPhone 14 announced today has a satellite SOS feature. Any thoughts on how it compares to a PLB?

(Unfortunately, I can already foresee this thread devolving into how this is yet another excuse to postpone upgrading that old 121.5Mhz ELT.)
Due to various out of cell range activities, I carry a Garmin InReach Mini on those adventures.
I have a Delorme InReach that works great for texting, would the Iphone allow texting also via sat comms?
Due to various out of cell range activities, I carry a Garmin InReach Mini on those adventures.
But now you don't have to because of the new iPhone :)
From what I can tell, this is only an SOS function. One thing pointed out on another forum is for crash use, what happens if your phone screen gets smashed?

On the other hand, T-Mobile has announced texting via LEO sats to all T-Mobile customers
On the other hand, T-Mobile has announced texting via LEO sats to all T-Mobile customers

All T-Mobile customers? Now imagine that a few of those customers will <Reply All> and the cell networks will be busy talking to itself for weeks! I hope you meant “to any T-Mobile Customer”.

All T-Mobile customers will have access to the service.

No, your text will not go to all the customers. DUH :D