Industry felled by security regs

What, read directions? He'd lose his Guy Card!:hairraise:

Well since he did not intuitively know how to add the tags I think he may have already lost it. :D:D:D

Well I'll be dipped. I had no idea any of that was documented.

I mighta Googled for it.

I just installed my new HDTV and Home Theater. I did actually read the instructions...Ok, in some cases I skimmed and read the parts I needed.

BTW, that's one of the secrets of us old computer guys. I laughed with Ward Christensen hisself when he told of impressing a co-worker by knowing stuff he got by reading the docs. (Yes. We do know each other personally. Are you impressed? :D)
BTW, that's one of the secrets of us old computer guys. I laughed with Ward Christensen hisself when he told of impressing a co-worker by knowing stuff he got by reading the docs. (Yes. We do know each other personally. Are you impressed? :D)
He's a pilot, isn't he?
Well I'll be dipped. I had no idea any of that was documented.

I mighta Googled for it.
Would not have helped.

Custom BB codes like the YouTube, Yahoo and now Onion video embeddings, the
spoiler tag
, etc, are limited to those instances of vB that implement them, so you have to check each specific instances documentation.

I stealth added onion and spoiler recently, and waited to see who'd find it. :)
I think the embedding might still be broken - On both of them, I get a video about Diebold leaking election results.