If I ran NASA


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.

Space shuttle last flew in 2011. Joke's a little late.
That joke was floating around the internet in 1998 when John Glenn did his second space mission.
Somehow I missed seeing it before now. :dunno:
MY memory is doing fine, I still remember that I don't know where I put my Keys and I am still looking for that Socket wrench I had last night:)

Just change it to "If I were Elon Musk..." and you're good to go.
United States of America - send a person to Mars. The whole world is waiting. In addition to you, this is beyond the power of anyone
United States of America - send a person to Mars. The whole world is waiting. In addition to you, this is beyond the power of anyone
Nah. Oh, did you mean alive?

I’m all for helping people that want to do so go to mars. Remember the Douglas Adams story of the planet that sent all their useless people into space to save their race?
During JFK's administration there was a very funny comedy record album called "The First Family," with comedian Vaughn Meader playing JFK, and other very funny people playing Jackie, the kids and other Washington bigwigs. (JFK himself loved it, even gave copies as Christmas presents.)

In one bit, JFK is at a press conference:

Reporter: Mr. President, when will we send a man to the moon?
"JFK": As soon as Senator Goldwater wants to go.​

MY memory is doing fine, I still remember that I don't know where I put my Keys and I am still looking for that Socket wrench I had last night:)


If you get out to the car holding your socket wrench, check your toolbox. There you will find your TV remote. On the table next to the couch will be a steak knife. In the kitchen knife drawer, you'll find your keys.
Pilawt - I had a copy of that record years ago. Maybe in college? Man, it was great. I was a history major and that really made history come alive!