I think i'll call PoA my new home

I'm not sure why people have the hate on for the Red Board. I think it's a great resource. If you have a question about flying, or airplanes, lots of good knowledge and fast responses over there. Their policy of limiting posts to aviation only is a good one for them. Keeps it focused and more suited to an aviation advocacy group.

Pilots tend to be very opinionated everywhere I go. Many of the same people on the Red Board are over here. Maybe because I signed up for the Spin Zone, I really don't see the warm fuzzys over here. To the OP- if you want to maintain the belief that this is a more friendly place, don't go to the Spin Zone.

The way I see it, if you want serious talk about flying and airplanes, the Red Board is a good place to go. If you want to learn how to bake cookies, brew beer, fix your bike, or are just lonely and want to join a sewing circle for pilots, go to the Purple Board. If you want to rant with other pilots about politics, society and all the ills of the world, including everything that is wrong with GA, come here to the Blue Board.