Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
...except I think I identified it.

So there I was... driving along the road on the way to the gym at zero dark thirty yesterday. Or maybe it was two days ago. Okay it was two days ago. I see this flashing green light in the sky. It's actually a pattern of two green lights. At first I think helicopter, but nav lights don't typically blink. I didn't think much of it until I got to the gym, and noticed it again. Flashing green lights, which descended vertically behind a line of buildings.

I ruled out airplane, helicopter, weather balloon, alien spacecraft and atmospheric oddity, not necessarily in that order, and then considered another possibility. Someone might have been flying a drone at night. A rudimentary Duck Duck Go search revealed that flashing green lights could indeed be associated with a drone. So, I'm going to go with that.

Until I start hearing reports of cattle mutilations. Then I might go back to alien spacecraft.
Maybe the aliens have switched to drones.
About that "Nav lights don't flash." Two of the USN new TH-73 helo trainers over flew my home at 500 feet at 2300 hrs last night. Both had their nav lights on Flashing-Bright. I recall my military days and the nav lights could be selected: Steady, Flash, Bright, Dim in any combination.
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About that "Nav lights don't flash." Two of the USN new TH-73 helo trainers over flew my home at 500 feet at 2300 hrs last night. Both had their nav lights on Flashing-Bright. I recall my military days and the nav lights could be selected: Steady, Flash, Bright, Dim in any combination.
Well I did say 'don't typically' but that is good to know. I'm pretty sure what I saw wasn't a helo though. It was silent, and traveled at right angles and vertical. Sort of like what quadcopter drones do.

But again, who knows.
Believe me, a TH-73 at 500 ft/11 PM aint silent.
..…..Until I start hearing reports of cattle mutilations. Then I might go back to alien spacecraft.
A compendium of several episodes earlier this year across four or five counties here in south Texas.

Large animal bets were unable to determine cause of death and, except for the carcasses missing tongues and occasionally genitalia, there was no blood or other physical evidence to help understand what happened.
A compendium of several episodes earlier this year across four or five counties here in south Texas.

Large animal bets were unable to determine cause of death and, except for the carcasses missing tongues and occasionally genitalia, there was no blood or other physical evidence to help understand what happened.
I watched a documentary on cattle mutilations, and they concluded that missing tongues and genitalia were likely the result of internal off-gassing during decomposition.

Besides, if the aliens were so advanced, they would know enough to go after briskets and tenderloins first if they had to be choosy.
I watched a documentary on cattle mutilations, and they concluded that missing tongues and genitalia were likely the result of internal off-gassing during decomposition.
Carrion eaters are going to go after the softer bits, first. Vultures, for instance, are NOT going to start with the hooves.....

Humans are typically wearing clothes until they get split by inflation due to decomposition gasses. Until then, that covers most of the softer bits, which is why the eyes are usually the first target.

Ron Wanttaja
No, you did not see a UFO.

You may, or may not have seen an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon.

Nomenclature matters. At least that's what I am told.

Please return to your previous business folks.