I don't really know what I was expecting


Final Approach
Feb 2, 2012
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but I really thought the Eddie Murphy return to SNL was a big disappointment.
Haven't watched SNL for years since they moved away from doing comedy.

Me, neither. Years. Certainly over a decade. But I thought I would see what Eddie would do. But that cast and writing is awful. Much worse than I remembered.
What group / demographic is this show even for anymore? I don't know a single person that watches it, and the what-seems-like-weekly Baldwin shtick is getting very tiring, regardless of what you think

I do miss Will Ferrel, Sherri O'Terri, Tina Fey, that whole group
I really thought the Eddie Murphy return to SNL was a big disappointment.
I had to see also and lasted about 3 minutes. Way back when rear projection color TVs were making a come back I watched the 1st episode of SNL in all its brilliance and followed it every Saturday night. But then it seemed as TV technology got better, the programming on screen went the other way. Now I rarely find myself in front of the "boob" tube and prefer watching reruns of old shows on the computer. Strange how life works sometimes.
I recorded it and watched it over the week, a segment or two at a time. My thoughts: SNL as a whole with the writers etc is pretty left wing and has been for a long time. The jokes that Eddie did were pretty good, he is very rusty and needs months of nights in some small clubs to make any Special just that: Special. He has work to do but the comedy is still in there.

The SNL of my youth is no more: David Spade, news with Dennis Miller, Chris Farley, Phil Hartman, Mike Meyers, Kevin Nealon, Chris Rock, Victoria Jackson. All of these became stars in their own right. Can't think of a cast where the caliber of performers have moved on to big careers since then. Sure there have been one offs, but as a whole...these guys are funny still today (RIP Chris and Phil).
Huh. Interesting. I haven't seen it in years - not at all interested. I did see some of the YouTube excerpts and thought much of it was pretty darn funny. At least as funny as much of what else is out there.

Yes - that might say more about other contemporary comedy. I came of age during some of SNL's very best years and fondly remember high school parties being interrupted to all watch it together, crowded into someone's parents' living room.
I think SNL has hit a bad patch. The writers are not good and neither are the comedians. SNL requires a good team and that’s not is happening. I suspect Eddie was brought back to lift bad ratings.

NBC is always the best at presenting live music and they still have some really good guest musicians.
Is that show still on? Wow, I thought they had ended it years ago. It's certainly irrelevant.
Is that show still on? Wow, I thought they had ended it years ago. It's certainly irrelevant.

The show has been a roller coaster since its inception. Find great talent, lose great talent, sometimes replace with great talent, sometimes not. The bad talent stays longer (because they never graduate to better roles), so the down cycles are hard to break.

As soon as they find 2-3-4 good up and comers again, it'll be back on the radar.

I will say that the current political undercurrent on the show cuts the potential audience by 50%. Used to be they were snarky in all directions, not just at (primarily) one guy.
but I really thought the Eddie Murphy return to SNL was a big disappointment.
I haven't found the show worth watching on a regular basis lately, but I thoroughly enjoyed much of this one.
Most of the Eddie Murpy bits were a bit flat if you didn't know the show from back in those days.
I agree with the recommendation above. He needs to tour clubs for a while to re-gain his funny.
To me, the best seasons of SNL was when the "Not Ready For Prime Time Players" was the cast.
To me, the best seasons of SNL was when the "Not Ready For Prime Time Players" was the cast.

There have been a lot of ebbs and flows. Certainly the original cast - Jane Curtain, Belushi, Gilda Radner, Akroyd, Chevy Chase, Bill Murray was unsurpassed. But they have had some incredible talents since - Eddie Murphy, Dana Carvey, Will Ferrell, Mike Meyers, Tina Fey, and a dozen others, but never as many at one time. On the other hand, like the Letterman show, the original iteration generally had higher highs and lower lows than subsequent editions once the show(s) had become important and had more corporate oversight.