How to Land a Cirrus SR22. A Documentary by 6PC

Looks like you might have to hire an agent, Bryan!! :D

Tonight Show....O'Reilly Factor....maybe even a guest spot on a MzeroA video!!!
I think he should ditch the software gig or what ever he is doing now and go the advertising copy writing route or even a youtube entertainment channel. Think big.
So I've been thinking about episode #2.

First, have to replace the commentator. . . .

But... Consider the following:

Maybe mount a review mirror on a 35:
- preflight: check the tail
- startup: check the tail
- run up: check the tail
.... Check the tail
Land - photoshop out the tail !!!

Or maybe a mooney:
- takeoff from grass and jostle the camera like a magnitude 9 earthquake
- find a 10,000' runway and come in 1kt over approach speed then record all 1000' markers go by on landing.

Then there is a c172:
- takeoff and record. 100 fpm climb
- show cars passing on the interstate below

Or takeoff in a twin:
- rotate the video the entire time simulating an engine out. . . .

Takeoff in a Lear then show a video of a Saturn V launch
- ok, that might be too close to reality....

What works on the video is the calling out of the bs some pilots say about other pilot's airplanes. I sure hope I've seem my last twin v chute thread. If so, many, many thanks....


Now got off my Facebook newsfeed!
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I like it.

I'll have to do one in my airplane.

-Speak in a snooty French accent
-Explain that it's not a cirrus and it's actually aluminum
-Rotate halfway down the 10k runway at 70, climb at 80, level off at 95kts.
-lots of down shots of the highway below proving that I'm going faster than the cars
-explain to EVERY controller what a Tampico is, several times, while they get my N-number wrong.

Then again, that's pretty much every flight for me, so it should be easy

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Sorry about the newsfeed. I posted in the north Texas group and it got shared.

That said, I'm afraid there is going to be a part 2.
I accidentally thought of something.
I like it.

I'll have to do one in my airplane.

-Speak in a snooty French accent
-Explain that it's not a cirrus and it's actually aluminum
-Rotate halfway down the 10k runway at 70, climb at 80, level off at 95kts.
-lots of down shots of the highway below proving that I'm going faster than the cars
-explain to EVERY controller what a Tampico is, several times, while they get my N-number wrong.

Then again, that's pretty much every flight for me, so it should be easy

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Make sure you talk about the visibility :)
AND THE EXPAAAAAAANISVE CABIN SPACE. "It's a full foot wider than a 172!" Repeatedly.

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Bryan you got a "two laughs up" from Karen this morning and she hasn't even been up in a Cirrus ever. Haha.
Bryan, do you use Perrier sparkling water as suggested in the Cirrus POH for the steam gauges? ...I've heard of some using distilled water instead.
He can use the profits from the video,to pay for the chute repack.
Lol I got a good laugh out of we aren't on the lines anymore so we're probably gonna die

That's the bit I laughed ar most...... Closely followed by the standard 24 mile final
This deserves an Oscar nomination in the Short Documentary section
I've been putting off watching this because clicking any content by 6PC usually results in d!ck pics, but I've gotta say, this was friggin' hilarious!

Well done, 6PC!
I've been putting off watching this because clicking any content by 6PC usually results in d!ck pics, but I've gotta say, this was friggin' hilarious!

Well done, 6PC!

Are you sure you don't mean eman1200? His instructional videos have crotch shots.
