How steep a ramp can an amphibian climb?

Brad W

Pattern Altitude
Nov 19, 2019
NE Florida
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Just generally steep of a ramp or beach can a typical GA amphib climb or descend?
like any typical boat ramp, or different?​
and does it differ for a flying boat vs something up on floats?
and how "un-improved" can it be... such as a natural shoreline?

I'm wondering mostly about typical SE stuff, such as small cub types on up to 4 or 6-place cessna types or similar... Lake amphibs, or those new little Icon types
but now that I'm typing this I've also long been curious about the larger stuff like the big Grumman birds back in the day. There's a ramp at KSGJ that I've eyeballed from afar by boat, and I like to imagine those big old Catalinas and similar out on the water and going up the ramp. It looks to be roughly a typical boat ramp angle, but I've not been close to it.
Per AC 150/5395-1A, the slope should be between 6:1 and 10:1. Anything under the 6 is too steep and over the 10 is too flat driving the length and expense way up.