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    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Generator for hangar door.
      You could also use a clamp on current meter and see what the starting current is when powered by the normal wall circuit.
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Nose loses PSI faster than mains.
      Arrow: Yep, a stab gauge is one you simply push on to make a measurement, rather than screw on.
    • Craig
      I think the AC-130 is the only a/c that actually has a Nav anymore. Nav does all the coursework to and from the area and then assists...
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Nose loses PSI faster than mains.
      Arrow: For an information data point on servicing tires...We typically over inflate by 5-20 psig, then remove the inflator rig. We then...
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Do I have to get a bachelor's?.
      Typically they are thru their Instrument, Commercial, Multi and working on the CFI by the end of the first year.
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Nose loses PSI faster than mains.
      Ours are Mil-Spec Miltons, but they go to 750 psig. Milton, Longacre or Intercomp are all high quality. We've gone to all digital at...
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Do I have to get a bachelor's?.
      Roller: These students are essentially at the airport campus 8 hours a day, 5 days a week flying, studying or when they get their CFI's...
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Nose loses PSI faster than mains.
      First thing is to stop using an inflator kit to check pressure. Use a stab only type gauge. The only time we hook an inflator up to a...
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Do I have to get a bachelor's?.
      Be ready for sticker shock on the costs for even an R-ATP. I just went thru the info session at our local community college that has an...
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread North Star Over My Shoulder.
      Here was the reference that I found:
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread North Star Over My Shoulder.
      Ross: Bob passed in 2007. He was author or editor on at least 15 books, most dealing with weather for pilots.
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Where do you get kit planes?.
      Lots of material available from the EAA about getting started. I'd recommend downloading the Aircraft Building Sourcebook and watching...
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Eielson Air Force Base F-35 crash.
      It's now a parts kit, with some new parts needed.....
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Eielson Air Force Base F-35 crash.
      Should be an A model. Don't think the Marines are up there on TDY right now.
    • Craig
      Craig replied to the thread Caption This Photo.
      Is he smiling or gonna puke???
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