How long before Pokemon Go claims an aircraft?

Meh, not paying attention to where you're going/what you're doing has plagued humans since the beginning of time. I've been known to stumble into things in my house or outside just because I'm lost in thought- no device required.

I don't know why everyone has to panic every time some new technology or social trend comes out.
It's really not that hard; I've found it's way easier to do flying an airplane vs driving a car.

Driving a car, I have to "undrive" myself off of people's lawns and such. Flying, I just suddenly yank up with a jerking, hard pull after I've hit the bunny with the ball, or whatever the devil the kids are doing these days.
Well, see and avoid shoulda worked. That's what the regs say, so it must be true. I'll bet if a pekachu was squawking on ADSB, this woulda never happened!
At a stop sign in DC Metro area, was trying to make eye contact with a lady push a baby stroller - real wide intersection, with condo drive-way, didn't want to crowd her or scare her. . .suddenly my Jeep rocks right hard. Looked in the mirror, no one there? No Wind, either? Then a head pops up, passnger side window - dude had walked right into my stopped Jeep, while texting. I know a Jeep is smallish, but still hard not too notice dead in front of you.

Nice guy, aplogized, but no harm done, etc. Besides, I didn't think he was long for the world anyway. . .
Fortunately cell data is hit or miss airborne and the game requires internet.
Playing PokemanGo while driving is ridiculous!! What a stupid thing to do!! How the hell can you answer your texts, check your email or update your Facebook status if you're playing that crap??!!

this guy found a Scyther at the gas station.
I am glad my kid had better things to do than play this stupid ass game! He would rather be riding his motorcycle or be out fishing.

Like the commercial says, "That's not how this works that's not how any of this works."

I am not an expert and have never played but a moving vehicle and even more so a moving plane would not be an ideal platform for this game as I understand it.

Now if we could get an augmented reality fighter plane game....;)
lol that'd be the day. Not sure how many flying Pokemon there are.
Forget pokey-mon, I think Top Gear did a much better version of it in airplanes.
I'd pay to partake for sure!
Behind the stick, of course, not the wheel. (duh) ;)
