Hipster vs Southwest, Soutwest wins

He looks way too old to act like a kid. You're an adult, wear adult clothes.
I'm not sure which is sillier, not letting him fly because of a word on his shirt or his refusal to just cover it up.
I love the video!!!

"I have freedom of speech"

Yep..and SWA has the right to boot your scrawny ass off of the airplane!! :yes:

My bet is that this clown has never even READ the Constitution. :nonod:
Really, he should be happy. He wore that shirt to get attention and to get a reaction. Done.
Once, when visiting my son he had a friend over who was wearing a tshirt with a saying that I found somewhat offensive. I mentioned this to my son, who mentioned it to the guy,who then simply turned the tshirt inside out. Problem fixed.
I'm not sure which is sillier, not letting him fly because of a word on his shirt or his refusal to just cover it up.

I am sorry that you didn't get the memo, but that word is not okay in polite company. I use it when I feel the need, but I KNOW that I am not being polite when I do so.
I am sorry that you didn't get the memo, but that word is not okay in polite company. I use it when I feel the need, but I KNOW that I am not being polite when I do so.

I don't use it in polite company either because of how it's viewed, but I find it really silly that people get offended over a word. The only reason it's offensive is that society arbitrarily decided that word is "bad" so you should be upset if you hear it or something. It doesn't make much sense when you think it through logically.
So? There will always be offensive words, although those words may change. The point is, you're in public, public has decided X is offensive; don't do X.
I'm not sure which is sillier, not letting him fly because of a word on his shirt or his refusal to just cover it up.

If I was flying on the flight, especially with my family, I would demand that the airline address the passenger displaying a profane shirt (or repeatedly using profanity within earshot). There's a difference between employing such expressions on rare occasions to tactically convey emotion, and casually displaying them for the world to see (or hear) for shock value. Reminds me of the folks who open carry in places where they know they'll freak people out just because, you know, it's their constitutional right or something. Highly immature to the point of being cringeworthy to see an adult engage in such activity.

My kids aren't sheltered, but they don't need that garbage shoved down their throats, either. Neither do I.

Maybe, but I'm of the opinion that a lot of people could use a good offending. The fake rage seems to give them something to live for.
I'm just more amused this Dumas shows the video where he says he won't change the shirt or cover up to the news, but tells the news, he had no idea there would be a problem.
I don't use it in polite company either because of how it's viewed, but I find it really silly that people get offended over a word. The only reason it's offensive is that society arbitrarily decided that word is "bad" so you should be upset if you hear it or something. It doesn't make much sense when you think it through logically.

No one "arbitrarily" decided the word was bad, it refers to a behavior which is also not acceptable for general public display. Society decided to adopt it for shock value, and because certain inconsiderate "rebels" don't care what anyone thinks about them. It's one thing to adopt that attitude when there's substance behind it, but quite another when you have so little to contribute that your discourse revolves around the use of profane language, obscene gestures, and whole-body tattoos.

I'm pretty sure he was asking for it, trying to stand up and be a free speech hero. If everyone just ignored people like him, they'd generally go away.
Looking for his 10 min of fame,what a f****** idiot,in his own words.
I bet they'd let this guy on the plane..
I bet they'd let this guy on the plane..


It's a parallel to the obscenity filters here. A person can type "WTF" and "YGBFSM" all day long here and it's just fine-no problem-acceptable.

But ohhhhh, heaven forbid should someone spell it out.

When I read WTF, my mind doesn't speak "WTF", it speaks "what the f*ck" so it might as well just be spelled out.

There is no f***ing difference between the two.

I don't get the whole (fake) Puritan attitude.
I miss the days before dereg when people dressed up to fly.
Really, he should be happy. He wore that shirt to get attention and to get a reaction. Done.


Personally I wouldn't have booted him over it.

It's like getting a tattoo of a swastika on your face, I 100% support your right to do it, though that by no means makes it a good idea, or means you're going to get any type of quality treatment by people.

The choices people make :rolleyes:

Personally I wouldn't have booted him over it.

It's like getting a tattoo of a swastika on your face, I 100% support your right to do it, though that by no means makes it a good idea, or means you're going to get any type of quality treatment by people.

The choices people make :rolleyes:

As a fellow passenger, I wouldn't make a fuss to get him booted, but as an employee of SWA, I definitely would. If someone in my travel-party were bothered by it, I would be sympathetic and try to get some distance, or ask the crew to do something about it. They sold seats to more than a hundred other people who shouldn't be subject to his childish rudeness.

I had the same thought when I was touring Westminster Abbey and ran across the "Ugly American". He was obnoxiously loud, and was wearing a shirt that said "F*** ON THE BEACH". Even being a heathen non-believer, I thought it was important to show respect to those who were allowing me to visit their place of worship. I don't understand why it is that so many others just don't care.

I didn't do or say anything that time, but if the docents had done anything about it, I would have agreed with them.
As a fellow passenger, I wouldn't make a fuss to get him booted, but as an employee of SWA, I definitely would. If someone in my travel-party were bothered by it, I would be sympathetic and try to get some distance, or ask the crew to do something about it. They sold seats to more than a hundred other people who shouldn't be subject to his childish rudeness.

I had the same thought when I was touring Westminster Abbey and ran across the "Ugly American". He was obnoxiously loud, and was wearing a shirt that said "F*** ON THE BEACH". Even being a heathen non-believer, I thought it was important to show respect to those who were allowing me to visit their place of worship. I don't understand why it is that so many others just don't care.

I didn't do or say anything that time, but if the docents had done anything about it, I would have agreed with them.

Lol "ugly American"

The majority of asshats I've met traveling across the globe haven't been American. Just a dumb sterotype some too cool for school types came up with.

I'd rather deal with a "bad word" on a t shirt then Chinese tourists who can't understand how not every toilet is a squat toilet and who close stall doors before doing their business.

You think a reaction drawing shirt is bad, try witnessing a grown man pinch one off while standing on the rim of a toilet, stall doors all the way open :no:

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I read the article yesterday and was disappointed only in the fact that they let him get on another flight w/o the shirt displayed. An appropriate response after his initial refusal to cover the shirt would have been to send him a refund for the unused portion of his flight via a check in the mail in 30 days, and ban him for life.

There simply is no need to put up with this childish, boorish behavior. There is common decency and respect for others. Something this guy has obviously not learned.

I was on a flight a couple of years ago when a kid about the same age was wearing a tshirt that read in large type, "she left lipstick on my dic*!" I was disappointed that the airline let him board. It wasn't fair to the families with conservative values and respect for others, especially those with children.

It was difficult to believe that when we were collecting our luggage his mother came running up and gave him a hug, oblivious to his shirt. I know I'm old and outdated, but when I was that age if my mother had seen me in public wearing a shirt like that she certainly wouldn't have let anyone know that she knew me. And I would have had a 2x4 upside my head after my long walk home from the airport.
Id rather sit by that guy than the 350 pounders requesting a seat belt extension they normally cram beside me.
Id rather sit by that guy than the 350 pounders requesting a seat belt extension they normally cram beside me.

Or the screaming little kids, people who don't bathe, a tshirt is the least of my worries lol.
Really, he should be happy. He wore that shirt to get attention and to get a reaction. Done.
If he didn't get paid by the comedy channel to make the fuss, he got ripped off. This was clearly designed to go viral, and I have now heard of a TV show I'd never heard of before.
The way I look at it, if you can get fined by the FCC for putting it on the air, then it's not reasonable to subject a captive audience to it.
Or the screaming little kids, people who don't bathe, a tshirt is the least of my worries lol.

Hey now! I was on a flight from Anchorage to Phoenix beside a lady holding a child. The child was asleep and I pretty much forgot it was there. Then, the lady whipped out her breast (and it was one to be proud of) and I was thinking "Whooaaah thanks lady!!! My lucky day!!" then she proceeded to breast feed. but for about 1/2 of a second, the having a kid thing worked out. :yes: :rofl:
It wouldn't offend me, although I can see it as very offensive to some. It's SWA's airplane and their rules. This punk is just another self-entitled dorky-looking hipster prick who couldn't get his way....
Id rather sit by that guy than the 350 pounders requesting a seat belt extension they normally cram beside me.

Someone who is that selfish and willing to subject people he doesn't know to his crap is just as likely to hog the arm rest, sprawl out in the seat, recline into your lunch, and in general make life miserable.
Someone who is that selfish and willing to subject people he doesn't know to his crap is just as likely to hog the arm rest, sprawl out in the seat, recline into your lunch, and in general make life miserable.

Funny you mention that. I was thinking not too long ago that they're not really arm rests, but seat dividers. Something to smush your arms into your sides so that you're not touching the person next to you.

But yeah, there are people who treat them as arm rests. And I hate someone else's arm touching mine.