Hi all


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 9, 2014
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Hello, I am new to the board so i just wanted to say hi and introduce myself.
My name is Nick, I've been pursuing my ppl for about 2 years now with about 6 months of breaks in there. I currently have around 55 hrs, should be soloing on Saturday. i'm looking forward to learning what i can from everyone
Welcome, Nick!

Where are you flying out of and what aircraft are you using for training?
Welcome, Nick!

Where are you flying out of and what aircraft are you using for training?

I fly out of Chicago executive, formerly palwaukee KPWK. I fly a 172sp
Howdy from Texas and welcome to PoA

For a fun story about solo, do a search for "Super Dave"
Good luck on your solo. When it comes time to do your cross countries, if you make it up to KMWC (and I'm around) I'll buy you a meal at the nearby (but not that great) restaurant.
Howdy from Texas and welcome to PoA

For a fun story about solo, do a search for "Super Dave"

i feel so sorry. you shouldn't have to worry about your plane like that. i will do my best not to do that. i do plan on having a go pro with me and my family watching from the public viewing area. and really? flight suit? maybe for a Halloween costume or if i'm flying a fighter jet.
Good luck on your solo. When it comes time to do your cross countries, if you make it up to KMWC (and I'm around) I'll buy you a meal at the nearby (but not that great) restaurant.

i was just up at 49c today. first time at a grass strip. It was pretty fun, but sounds fun i may take you up on that