Hey Lance Happy Birthday

Lance? Lance F? Hope you celebrated at FL410, or wherever it is you fly that Learjet!

I need to hang around 9A1 more...
Thanks to all. I too am glad to make it through another very interesting year.

For a present I got a Sirius Stilleto 2 portable satellite radio. So I now will have satellite radio/mp3 player in the Mooney for those long XCs. This I like.
HB, Lance! Airplane toys are always great gifts!!

Idea: BP and other aviation fuel vendors should market pre-paid fuel cards as gifts you can buy for a pilot. :yes:
Hope you have a special day, Lance. Let us know where you're back out our way and I'll raise a glass with you!


I'm a little late chiming in but happy belated to you. Hope it was great!
Happy birthday, Lance!
As usual, I'm tardy; but belatedly a Happy Birthday from the Northern climate.

Oh, dang. I'm the tardiest (so far). Happy b'day, Lance! (I'd blame Diana for keeping me so busy that I didn't get a chance to post, but since she posted while we were there, I don't think that'll hold water!:) I think I was still in bed when she posted her wishes.)